Foolish Girl // Dear Me

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He doesn't want you.

Sure, he's nice,

but that is not such a unique quality.

So what if his smile could melt the moon?

Who cares if his eyes are azure blue?

So what if his voice is angelic?

Who cares if he is smart and athletic?

He is with another.

You have no chance, sweetheart,

trust me.

I know every moment with him is like heaven,

but there is so much more that awaits you.

He is not the epitome of your existence;

he is not the only one out there for you, dear.

So stop this foolish flirting!

Cease your giggles and wake up!

End this losing battle!

But that is high school, isn't it?

It's foolish girls chasing foolish boys;

girls chasing boys chasing boys;

boys chasing girls chasing girls.

So, honey, embrace this foolishness

for it will not last long.

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