Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Elizabeth's POV:

My mother brush my red hair like it was made of gold. Caressing my head as if the touch of my head brings her joy. She cuts it until my curly hair was hanging above my waist. This was my Mother's traditional every winter. She cuts the length of my hair, as she does hers. I stared at her blazing violet eyes with awe and envy. How I wish I had her amethyst eyes instead of this Emerald eyes of mine. I don't even know who did I inherited  it from. Because, my father's eyes were blue and so does my brothers. My father was always telling me that there's nothing wrong with my eyes, he said I look just like my mother even though she has blonde hair and I have red. The only thing i got from my mother were her thick brows and long lashes, my nose and full lips were from my Father.

My mother pats my shoulder, motioning me that she's done cutting my hair. She tucked my hair in a neat knot and tugged the remaining hair behind my ears. And, arranged my ruby necklace on the right place around my neck. I don't know when did I got this necklace, I couldn't even remember a time where I have removed this necklace from my neck. it seems like it has been mine since I was born. My mother leans in to me and said,

"There, you look beautiful. As always." She said, and kissed my left cheek. Her kissed was sincere and oddly longing.

"Thank you, Mother." I gave her a nod and polite smile.

The bell of The Temple beside our house rang, reminding everyone that it's the first week of Winter. It is accustomed to everyone to stay at The Black Market every winter until its midnight. Because, it is a blessed season of the year. Regardless of the cold temperature outside. Every lowborn must stay at The Black Market to sell their goods. My brother, Elliot and I are supposed to go together there. But, since he is not here I shall go alone. I know my father wants to go with me even though he is gravely sick. I gave him an assurance that I will be okay there alone. And, the last thing I wanted to happen is to make his sickness even worst. We all know that we have enough problem, like the unpaid taxes to The Crown and my Father's debt from the merchants. Thanks to Elliot, I'll be alone helping our parents out to settle their problems.

My mother was waiting for me at the doorway, a red thick robe on her hands.
"Wear this, Lizzie. It will make you warm." She smiles at me and coughs hard.

"Thank you, Mother." I smiled back at her and kissed her cheeks. "There's an herb on top of the dining table that will heal your colds. I already made a soup for your supper." I said.

"Don't ever remove your necklace. Take care of it." My mother said. She always reminding me to never take off my necklace every time I go outside the house. I nod at her.

I wore the red robe and put the basket on my arms as I stroll the forest. I could feel the heaviness of my boots as I took every step on the snow. My eyes wander around the forest, appreciating the beauty of the nature. Forest has always been my sanctuary everytime I feel so down. Being here in the forest makes me forget all the problems that I had. Its so peaceful and beautiful. The trees are huge and strong. I was about to take a rest when I heard different steps in my left. I gazed at the oddly reddish sky, the moon was full and a little bit red. There was a Legend Story behind the Red Full Moon, that the Red Moon itself was the sign of the arrival of a girl who has fire in her veins and the werewolves would be the first to know. The werewolves were always afraid of fire. That's why the Legends also decree that it will be the werewolves who will kill the girl before anyone else would be aware of her existence. The doleful cries from the wolves was all it took for me to run faster. I seem to forget how heavy were my boots and basket as the adrenaline kicked in. Panicked throb against my chest. And, it pains me to catch my breath. This is the reason why my mother hated me to use the forest instead of taking the long road. But, because I'm stubborn and lazy. I don't want to waste my time and energy to walk on a very distant road if I have another option to use a short cut. I want to hit my head for being so stubborn and reckless at the same time.

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