What can it be?

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(August 24, 2016 9:41 pm)

I was not your first
I wasn't your second either
There was hope for being third
But fate decide on another

Though now you have me now
& I can't believe this love I've found
I had hoped for something good
But this was almost spell bound

The way you've helped me believe in myself
How 'I've become your weakness',
& how 'You've become my strength'
I feel like you've cured my blindness

I was wondering aimlessly before
That is, when it came to guys
All I knew was from movies & friends break ups
Anything that seemed like interest in me made me think it was all lies

I knew I wasn't 'eye candy' as they say
But I knew that I definitely wasn't ugly
I knew I was great on the inside
But outside, I would have said barely

Poems By RuthWhere stories live. Discover now