Iceberg Dead Ahead!

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"Iceberg dead ahead!"

The giant mass that is an iceberg slashes right through the ships side and causes a gash longer than anything we could of imagined. Me, Sitting in my lawn chair on the deck, wrapped in four blankets and still shivering. Despite the cold, I was enjoying the fresh air. Then the iceberg had struck our side and now the ship was slowing to a stop. chunks of ice were strewn across the wooden deck. More passengers were coming up to the decks and were playing soccer. I was still terrified knowing that we had struck an iceberg. There was no way for this ship to sink, but I highly doubted it would stay afloat. I sat there and watched the game and saw more of my fellow second class passengers join in. I fell into a deep sleep on the account of the fine whiskey i had drank a few minutes before the iceberg. I'd almost call it a delayed knockout. I could see my dreams and worst of all I envisioned a large ship sinking. People were jumping off the end as it began to tilt and slowly dive into the frigid water. I had a hovering view of it and I saw on the bow the letters R.M.S Titanic. It was the Titanic. Another view showed people frozen and dead as a lifeboat rowed in between the hundreds of dead. This nightmare was too much and woke me up in ther midst of what looked like a get together. First Class passengers were milling around in lifebelts and Officers were filling the lifeboats. What was happening? I stopped a Seaman carrying oars to the boats.

"What's happening?"

"Captain oredered all women and children into the lifeboats."

I ran back inside and down three flights of stairs.I quickly checked my watch and almost fainted. It was almost an hour and a half after the iceberg struck. That Whiskey was some powerful stuff. I kept on looking at my watch until my feet met unbearable pain. They numbed instantly and all I could think of was cold. I looked down to see that I was standing in slowly rising water.

The ship was Sinking.

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