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The water quickly rose up the deck and the ship began to tip backwards. I grasped a railing as the angle of our tilt began to be too much to stand up straight. Holding on for dear life, I climbed up the railing and tried to get to the top. People were sliding down the ship into the water and some of those sliders were taking others with them. I saw and fat woman grab the heel of a man and drag him down with her. The jusic from the band was still audible even with all the screaming. Captain Smith had said that the music would prevent panic, but i felt that it just sounded like funeral music. I saw people jumping in hordes and hitting the water with a sickening smack. Most who jumped would break a bone and that would just make them immoble and pratically dead. The ships stern rose higher in the air until you had to hold on or risk flying down through the air. One man learned this and was immediately falling onto the deck below, obviously killed by the impact. A cracking noise arose and the ship broke in two. The shockwave of this knocked alot of people flat and sent even mroe sliding into the water. A funnel came loose and cascaded down on the people floating in the water. It created a huge wave and rolled over, revealing crushed bodies in a forty foot radius. The ship stood up once again and began to slowly dip intot he sea. A prayer arose from the stern as more people jumped out. The lights flickered and went out forever. The Titanic was about to sink. The bow finally dipped under the waves as the stern began to pick up speed. i hauled myslef over the railing and paused there. I breathed in and out, calming myslef enough tp allow my mind to think. The only logical thing to do as jump. And so I did. I let go of the railing and plummeted to the ocean. The exhilaration was met with a splash and the stabbing pain of freezing water.

The Titanic gained speed and plowed right through the water. despite the cold and saddness of the event, Icouldn't help but be struck with awe as the ship sank and the people prayed for life as the R.M.S Titanic slipped beneath the waves.

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