Water Rising

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Water in the second class section? This was serious. I quickly ran into my room and grabbed a lifebelt from the cabinet. The frigid water was bruning my feet and i hated it. I leaped across it this time and ran up the stairs and back onto the boat deck. Hysteria had assumed position while i was gone and now people were struggling to get into the boats. I guess some dumb ass had let it slip that the boat was probably going to sink. I'm pretty sure knowing how to swim wouldn't help because in that water your bound to freeze before anything else. I saw women and men alike trying to overwhelm the officers and get into the boat. The boats didn't even look full, but the men lowered them into the ocean anyway. Then the lifeboats paddled away to a safe distance and awaited the ships demise. A loud steam nosie was escaping the funnel and was annoying all of us. I was standing up straight on the deck, yet at an angle that suggested that the ship was going down even faster. Women and children were trying to push through the crowd to get into a boat, but to no avail. Another boat went down half empty. A man was staring hopelessly at it like it was a death sentence not to be on it, which it was. I had studied at the Boating school in Virgina. When a ship our size took on enough water, there was nothing stopping it from sinking. The Titanic had already taken on that amount.

The man looked one last time at the ship, then jumped into the water and began swimming for the lifeboats. Screaming rose from the boats and i guessed someone was being torn away from their husband. Many men would die tonight and i knew it. Why, because I'm one of the chief engineers of the ship who is traveling with Mr. Andrews to present the Ship to the US. I know almsot everything about this ship and I know its limits. Another scream rises, followed by a stampede of running and people pushing past me. I see the cause and began running myself.

The bow of the ship is under water and the water is rushing up the deck.

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