Drarry Special

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   Harry was woke by the screaming of his husband. Another nightmare from back then. Harry hugged Draco close, willing his love and happiness to transfer to Draco. After an hour of close hugging and loving whispers Draco eventually calmed down and got ready to take on the day.

To be quite honest, Draco being a therapist wasn't a good choice considering how much he is haunted by the memories of the battle of hogwarts, but harry was helping him.

They got up, showering and getting changes together. Harry giving Draco kisses until he burns red with embarrassment and giggles like he did when the first started dating. That was on the list.

Harry had a list of things he loves about Draco. His giggle was probably 16th.

They held hands as they left their chamber and their hands stayed clasped together in the great hall for breakfast. They made good conversation until they had to go and do their respective jobs. Draco went to his office while Harry went to his class, he had Slytherin 6th years first. That was always a breeze. Though Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws worked slightly less so but got the work done.

He ate lunch with his dearest Draco and then the next lesson rolled round. First-year Gryffindors and Slytherins and the only slytherdor. This was nightmare for the poor teacher.

His original lesson plan was to teach them about werewolfs and the new laws and that the most of them are generally nice people but this got shredded to hell from the second the walked in.

The way they sat (they got to pick where) Gryffindors were on the right, Slytherins on the left and there was a gap down the middle.
Annabel sat at the back in the middle with Amy on the right and Annie on the left. And they would not stop talking.

All through the lessons groups of people would talk and talk and talk and it drove Harry insane. Did they not want to learn magic or some shit like that. But what ever it was Harry had had enough and finally got a seating plan, on the third day of school. He moved Annabel to the front, Annie to a back corner and Amy to the other. Everyone else was separated from their friends pretty well.

Harry began the lesson with explaining that werewolfs transform in the night on a full moon and he then go into a rant about how fucking fabulous Remus lupin was, and how he and Sirius made the perfect couple (basically fangboying). Annabel hated her dad at this point but he made a good point. Remus lupin and Sirius Black were the perfect couple.

Harry was finishing a rant about Remus and Sirius's child when the bell went to dismiss the students. Harry had wasted the whole lesson, again. He could still clearly remember the way he taught dumbledores army, but they were all so determined to learn. All these kids wanted to do was yell at the top of their lungs and jump on tables.

Harry sighed as the children left for their 15 minutes break, he began getting the next lesson ready for 5th year Hufflepuffs.

When people say that Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders, they are correct. It was the students who found his glasses when they went flying off, it was the students that found his wand when one of them disarmed him and it was these Hufflepuffs that found out what McGonagall had told him.

Just like the others, Harry got an unexpected visit from McGonagall and, just like the others, he got the same note. Though the difference is that the students found out what had been said but they didn't know who 'he' was, and he had the swear to stay quite about it.

He went to Draco's office and talked to him about this, but when he usually has these talks alone it ends up with sex, and that's how this one ended.

Hey guys, sorry for the late upload but I will be uploading another chapter later today (hopefully, maybe tomorrow, i don't know) and then it will be back to my usual upload schedule.

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