ALMOST 100 READS!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH ♥♥♥ I love each and everyone of you, I hope you'll like this chapter! ♥
I open my eyes to find myself in my bed. I slowly sit up so I don't get dizzy. It's 12.47. I'm out of energy. My body feels heavy and I'm cold. There's a piece of paper on my bedside table. It's a note.
To: Jade.
We went to the studio, we thought you'd need a day off. There's food in the fridge if you get hungry. :)
~Liam, Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn <3 xx
I sighed. I've already had 7 days off, I want to spend time with them. Oh, well, since they've already left I'm going back to sleep.
The hunger woke me up. But I stayed in bed. I don't want to eat.
Wait. How much weight have I lost? I sit up, the room spins slightly. I walk slowly and dizzy to the bathroom. The last time I weighed myself I was 62 kilograms. My height is 176 cm. My BMI was 20, which is normal weight for my height. I found the scale, took my clothes off, took a deep breath and stepped on it.
48 kg.
I put my clothes on and searched for the computer. When it finally turned on I calculated my BMI. 15.5. I'm underweight.
I don't get it. I'm underweight, but I still look like a bloody hippo. I hate this. I hate my self. I close down the page, and shoot up from the chair way too fast. The room spins violently. I didn't care. I started walking towards what I think is my room. Bad idea. My knees we're shaking. I can't stand up anymore. This is too much. I feel my body fall.
Then everything went black.
I hear voices. They're saying something. They're worried. What are they saying? Why are they worried?
My name. They're saying my name.
The voices are familiar. Where have I heard them before?
I feel something cold on my face. It's wet. Water. I Groan. Now I can hear clearly, but when I open my eyes everything is blurry. My head is spinning slightly.
"Thank god... We almost you were dead."
I know that voice.
"Louis?" I say.
"Jade, are you okay?"
I feel slight butterflies by the sound of the voice. Harry.
When I can see again, I'm staring into those angelic green eyes. I suddenly feel calmer.
"What happened?" I say, not breaking the eye contact.
"We don't know, we found you here when we came." Zayn says, making Harry look at him.
Damn you Zayn.
"I think you fainted." Louis say. "Have you eaten anything today?"
He didn't need an answer to know. I tried to stand up, but realized I was way to worn out. The boys helped me up, leading me to the kitchen. I sit at the table with Zayn on my right, Harry to my left, Liam and Niall opposite sitting to me. Louis was preparing something. I sigh.
"I don't want anything." I say, but no one says anything.
Then Louis puts a plate in front of me. Slices of carrots, apple, orange and banana put in a nice pattern. They all stare at me, waiting for me to react. But I can't eat when someone watches me. It's really uncomfortable for me. I can't.
Niall is the first one to rise.
"I think we shouldn't sit and stare at her like this, let's go." He says.
Liam and Zayn agrees and follows him. Louis gives me a begging look and leaves too, leaving me with Harry who is still staring at me.
I suddenly feel nervous. I'm alone with Harry. Why am I nervous? I don't need to be. I look at the food. Ugh, the anxiety. I don't want it.
"Jade, please." Harry say. I keep staring at the food.
I sigh.
Harry's POV
She keeps staring at the food. Why Won't she eat? She has to! Why is she doing this? She won't look away from the food. It's like she wants to throw a curse on it by the look on her face.
At the restaurant yesterday, when we had eye contact. She was so tense, and when she looked into my eyes I could feel her body relax. Was that because of me? I want to know.
I put a finger under her chin, making her look at me. Is she holding her breath?
"Jade, it's for your own good." I say, looking into her eyes, making her look into mine. As our eyes meet she start breathing again, and the wrinkle between her eyebrows vanished, she looked calm.
She's so beautiful.
She looks down at the food again, picks up a piece and takes a bite out of it chewing slowly. I smile. Did I just do that?
I think back at the other times she's eaten. She didn't seem to have any problems then. Like that time we ordered Chinese food. But, wait... she was denial, then when-
But I didn't finish that thought, because when she swallowed, the scared expression she had whenever she saw food reappeared on her face. My smile disappeared. She looked as if she wanted to cry. She looked up at me again, looking deeply into my eyes as if she was looking for comfort in them. I looked back into her's, putting an arm around her shoulders, as I felt her body relax again.
"Go on, you can do this." I say to encourage her.
30 minutes later, the plate is empty. I can't help but give her a tight hug. The boys burst into the kitchen, applauding. She start laughing. I've never realized how beautiful her laugh is. Everything about her is beautiful...
Wait, what am I thinking? I release her from my embrace.
But she is beautiful. And she doesn't know. I want her to know. I want to tell her that she doesn't need to do this, that she's amazing.
The boys are still "celebrating" her success.
"Oh, stop it guys.." She says shyly.
I want her to know that her personality brings out the best in her.
Thanks for reading! I would appreciate comments and votes, but thank you for supporting me this far! :D xx

Bones [a One Direction fanfic]
Hayran KurguJade Daniels is excited to be in One Direction's music video. But when the producer calls her fat, horrors from her past starts to haunt her again, and is friendship enough to keep her alive as she falls madly in love with one of the boys?