I've never missed someone this much in my entire life. I wish Harry was here. I miss his comfort, his scent, his eyes. All these questions, going round, and round in my mind all day, until I can finally fall asleep, are driving me crazy. How long have I been here? I still don't know how or why I'm here. I'll probably die in here. The last thing I'll see will be these 4 grey walls. I haven't eaten or drunk anything since I woke up here. A human being can stay alive for 3 days without eating or drinking. I think I've been here for about 2 days... can be less, can be more. But would I care if my life ended here? That question bothers me the most. I don't really see any reason to live... except one, and I'm not even sure if it's real. Harry. Did he really say he loved me? Did he really kiss me? Does he really exist? Being isolated in this room for so long, is making me unsure about any other existence than me, and these 4 walls. I'm starting to doubt Shelia is real. What if my whole life's been a dream, and now I've woken up? All I know right now is that I'd kill for a glass of water. I don't care about food, I just want a glass of water. At that thought the door opens, and a tray with a sandwich and a glass of water gets pushed into the room. Without hesitating, I grab the glass in my hands and drink until the it's empty. I eat a piece of the sandwich, but not too much. When I can't eat anymore, I feel how exhausted I really am. As soon as my head touches the pillow, drift into a dreamless sleep.
Harry's POV
"So, all we know is that Shelia kidnapped her." Zayn says. "But we have no idea where she could be."
We've all gathered and are trying to figure out how to get Jade back. I'm worried as fuck. She's been gone for 2 days. I miss her. Is she okey? What is Shelia doing to her? The others are talking, but I can't hear what they're saying. I'm too busy trying to answer all these questions. Where can Shelia be keeping her? I. Have. No. Clue. I rub my face. I'm exhausted, I've barely been sleeping the past 2 days. I get up, excuse myself, and lay down in my bed. Shelia. The girl that always sat quiet in a corner by herself, has taken the most important person in my life from me. I remember when we were little, on her birthday party. Everyone had fun, except Shelia. Even though it was her birthday. I remember once when we were home alone. I was calling her names, and I could see just how the tears started to well up in her eyes, but I kept on yelling at her. She had pushed me into a room. I'll never forget that day. She locked me in, in a tiny room with 4 grey walls. I remember beating on the door, screaming my lungs out.
"Let me out Shelia"! Let me out! Please, I'm sorry! Shelia...!"
Every time, no matter when or how i remember it, I always feel the same feelings washing over me; Fear, panic and guilt. I'm so tiered i would anything to get some sleep. ANYTHING. But all these questions... Those terrifying 4 grey walls. The maddening fear. The panicked tears streaming down my face. And the guilt. The gut wrenching guilt...
Jade's POV
I wake up by the sound of the door opening. I get up, rub the sleep out of my eyes and yawn.
"Do you need anything?" Shelia says, bored. "Toilet? Food?"
I don't say anything, I just stare at her.
"Why are you doing this, Shelia?" I finally say.
She looks up at me. I can see the hurt in her eyes. She opens her mouth to say something. But then she closes it again, and starts crying. Something is wrong here. i don't think she's faking it. I can't help but feel sympathy. I don't like what she's doing, but I can't watch when people cry it always hurts me. I walk over to her and rub her arm.
"What's wrong, Shelia?"
She takes few deep breaths. She looks at me, hesitates, but finally speaks.
"Everyone hates me." She says. "I've never had any friends. Always been alone."
She looks up at me with red eyes from the crying. I give her a go-on-look and she takes a seat on the hard floor. I do the same.
"People called me names, laughed at me, whispered about me behind my back. I'd never done anything to them, and yet they treated me like that. i didn't really care about them, I learned to live with it so it didn't really bother me. But then... t-then..." Her voice cracks, but she takes a deep breath and continues. "I met...him. From the first day I fell in love with him. He was so perfect. But he hated me as well. He also called me names, and laughed at me. That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I started to treat people who had barely looked at me, like they treated me. But it didn't really help, because they hadn't done anything, so i did it to the people who had started, even Harry. I loved seeing them suffer. And now... I don't know why I'm doing this... I jealous. I'm jealous of you, Jade. B-because he... he loves you... not me."
Wow. That's something I didn't know about her. I actually respect her now. I' not the only one with a shitty life... How can i be so selfish? How can I only think about myself?
"It's not too late Shelia." I say.
"What do you mean?" She says in a more friendly tone I've ever heard her speak in.
"It's not too late to tell Harry you're sorry." I say. "I know he'll forgive you. If you change the way you treat people, they'll change the way they treat you. Children are stupid, they say things withot thinking, I'm sure harry probably regrets everything he did to you, and if you regret everything you did you him, you'll have a nice friendship."
I can see how Shelia is looking at me with a whole new perspective. This is something we all need. To just sit down, talk about our problems, and get advice. The only thing we need is to hear the right words.
"Do you really think so?" She says, wiping the tears away.
I nod and smile at her. I give her a hug. It takes her a second to understand what is happening, but then she hugs me back. This is not 'just a hug'. It's real. Maybe Shelia isn't so bad after all. it's like she's never hugged anyone before. I don't think she has. this probably means a lot more to her than I think. This is all she ever needed.
A friend.
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbledore
:) xx

Bones [a One Direction fanfic]
FanfictionJade Daniels is excited to be in One Direction's music video. But when the producer calls her fat, horrors from her past starts to haunt her again, and is friendship enough to keep her alive as she falls madly in love with one of the boys?