Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

"We'll see you in just a couple of days, alright love?"

"Okey mum, love you, bye."

I end the call and put my phone back into my pocket. I sigh. I really miss my family, and I am glad she called, but she chose to call at the worst moment possible. I was just a millimeter away. So close, yet so far. It was such a perfect moment, ruined by a phone call. I walk out of the room. The house seems to be empty. I find Jade, laying on the couch, playing with her iPod.

"Where is everybody?" I ask.

She puts the device away.

"The girls wanted to go shopping so the guys went with them." She stands up. "Wanna do something?"

I look at her, than at the PlayStation, then back at her. A grin spreads across my face.


Jade's POV

"Come on, I'm waiting!" Harry says. "Just jump!"

"I'm trying!" I respond.

I don't know how, but Harry's skills in Little Big Planet has improved, a lot. Now I'm the one who's stuck. It's 20.42 and we've been playing since 17.00. I finally manage to move my character and we finish another level, moving on to the next. We're just about to start, when everything goes black.

"What the fuck?" I burst.

"Don't swear!" Harry almost shouts. "I think the power went off."

It most certainly did, because nothing worked. So we are now stuck in a house with no light, and no entertainment. Great. But because I'm such a genius, I get the brilliant idea to make a fire in the fireplace. With a little help from our phones we find some firewood and something to lit then up with, we manage to make a fire. We cuddle up in front of the fire, that's when I realize how hungry I am. My stomach growls. Harry probably heard it, he gets up, walks into the kitchen and comes back with 2 sticks and a bag of marshmallows. So we talk, laugh, tell stories and eat marshmallows. Life can't get any better. I reach for another marshmallow. Our hands touch, and we look up at each other. He quickly snaps it.

"Hey!" I say trying to take it out of his hand. "You've already eaten like, 20! I've only had 4!"

I pull it out of his hand and lick it.

"Still want it?" I tease holding in in front of his face.

He takes it, and eats it, grinning at me. Cheeky bastard. I frown at him as he swallows. Then he suddenly grabs my head with his both hands, and our lips are smashed together. He kisses me nice and softly, but with passion. My heart is on overdrive, I feel like I'm in another dimension. It's the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. I never want this moment to end, I feel so safe and secure in his arms. I put my arms around his neck as he pull me closer and deepens the kiss. Our lips are moving together perfectly. I've never been this desperate for something my entire life. The more her kisses me, the more I want. A noise makes us both jump, pulling away from each other in shock.

ding dong~

"Open the door, it's freezing outside!"

A voice says from the other side of the door. Harry gets up to open it, I go into my room. I need to think through what just happened. But as I enter the room and close the door behind me, I hear a familiar voice.

"Snogging with my Harold?" I turn around to see Shelia, looking at me. "I hope you enjoyed it."

Before I can react she walks towards me, covers my mouth with something that smells like shit, and everything goes black.


Harry's POV

We've been looking for Jade for almost 1 and half hour. She just disappeared. Poof. Just like that. I look through the house again, shouting her name. Where the hell is she? When I'm back in the living room again, Demi walks up to me with panic in her eyes. She hold up a piece of paper.

"Jade's been kidnapped." She says.

I take the paper out of her hands and read it.

Say goodbye to your little friend, she's with me now. xx~

I'm so angry I rip the paper to tiny pieces. Kidnapped? Who the fuck kidnapped her? Where is she? Why would someone kidnap her? Is she alright? What if whoever kidnapped her is hurting her?

I gotta find her.


I'm sorry this chapter is short, I promise the next one will be longer! Hope you liked it xx ♥

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