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"Hoo boy do I regret this already," Ryan let out a breath, pulling up beside the house he had found the day before.

"You realize you're doing this to yourself. I'm just here for the ride."

"I get it, I get it. Let's just do this thing," Ryan shook his head as he exited his car and went around the back to grab his stuff. Shane followed after him.

"So what do we have here?" Shane asked, shifting his weight as Ryan struggled with the front door. The porch was old and creaky, and the wood boards shifted a little as Shane moved. 

"A few ghosts and a demon I think..."

"So... Sallie House 2.0. Gotcha."

"Similar; and apparently about the same amount of activity."

"Are you sure you're going to be alright? Considering what happened at the Sallie House?" Shane checked. Ryan stared skeptically at Shane and then the camera in his hands. "In case you haven't seen Ryan's video on the Sallie House be sure to check it out," Shane told the camera himself, turning it around to show his face.

"Whatever, man."

"It's great that it's on a nice street though."

"Haha, yeah. Look at all the nice shops and bars across the street."

"Lots of flashy lights. I thought ghosts didn't like lights or something."

"Well, remember what that one other paranormal investigator said... the one we met at the Sallie House."

"Which part?"

"About them feeding on the energy."

"Wasn't that electromagnetic energy?"

"I guess... well... it's some sort of energy maybe," Ryan shrugged, "I brought my EMF detector too so we can probably check if that's what they want."

"You know, all these ghosts really want probably is a really good beer." Ryan started laughing at Shane's comment. "I mean, why else haunt a house right by a strip mall of sorts. You have everything you could possibly want in the afterlife."

"Maybe all they want in the afterlife is a good time."

"Who doesn't," Shane laughed along. 

Ryan finally managed to get the door to open, and it did, rather suddenly. He stumbled a bit, but as soon as he regained balance he gave Shane a spare flashlight. They ventured inside to ditch their stuff in the living room as it was one of the only rooms with a carpet. As soon as they were ready, they took their flashlights, the camera, and Ryan's EMF detector as Ryan gave a sort of a tour of the house and its history.

"Looks like it's going to be especially spooky tonight," Shane pointed out a window, "There's a storm rolling in."

"Perfect," Ryan said sarcastically. It did really push the setting, which Shane didn't mind, but Ryan still seemed just a little more on edge than usual. 

"Think there's going to be lighting?"

"Ghosts and demons are enough for me, thank you very much."

"Maybe it'll give us energy to feed the demon and it'll actually show up-"

"Please not now, dude," Ryan pleaded, "I'll fuckin' shit my pants. Plus we gotta head down to the basement anyways to meet our demon's hole."

"There must have been a better way to phrase that."

"You know what I meant! There was a hole in the last house, for the demon... and now... I guess this one lives in one too..." He was holding open the door to the basement, but Shane shook his head and held it instead.

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