While investigating the subversive organization known as the Secret Empire, I discovered that its leader was a high-ranking government official. While this traitor committed suicide after being discovered, the government covered up the whole affair by using a double. Disillusioned, I abandoned my Captain America identity and took up the alias Nomad.Two men tried in vain to assume the Captain America title; Bob Russo and "Scar" Turpin, while in the meantime the young idealistic Cap fan, Roscoe Simons, actually succeeded me and I awarded Simons my indestructible shield. It was Roscoe's death, at the hands of the Red Skull, that would inspire me to become the "Sentinel of Liberty", a symbol of American inspired ideals rather than the US Government Super Soldier he once was.
Captain America life at war.
ActionThe tragic life of our hero in red white and blue