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I walk into the room to where the master had called me. He seemed to be working on something.

"master?" I called out to him to get his attention. He turned to face me.

"AH! Bri you made it!" The master spoke in his usual happy-go-lucky attitude. I assume the reason I was called down was to receive my role. He stood up from his desk and walked over to me.

"Hm what was your role again..." he started to mutter to himself "AH! yes, you, my dear Bri you are to make sure everything follows the book." he turns so his back if facing me. " did you learn the spell I gave you?" He turned back to face me.

"I did, but I don't understand why did you give me the last aging spell."

"It all has to do with your roll, the spell of aging lets you change your physical age, BUT only if you have been that age, so no looking like you're 40 kay?" He sill hasn't explained my role, and why an aging spell? Making sure everything goes to the book... Wait does he want me to live several lifetimes past?

"now judging by your face did you figure it out yet?"

"but master how can I live on, past my time?"

"now we're getting somewhere, that's where the aging spell comes in as you can use it to make yourself physically younger and pretty much live life over again from that age. Now because your role will have you going pretty far into the future, I recommend trying not to make any strong attachments."

"also I may disappear one day, so I want you to make sure no one attempts to change the events of the book because why try and change what we know will happen. We need to focus on what comes after, you understand right?" I look down and look at the soft red material that makes up my clothing. Looking back up to the master I nodded to him.

" I understand."

KH back cover- Bri  wearer of the cat maskWhere stories live. Discover now