a fight between foretellers

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Me and Gula where listing in on Invi and Aced's conversation. We were quietly watching when Invi and Aced started to through attacks at each other. When they separated Aced was on his knees, and Invi was standing a few feet ahead of him. I turned my head when I heard the sound of running, Ava came from the side of the building her back was facing Gula and I. Her head was turning this way and that way like she was looking for someone.

"Ava, over here!" Gula shouted to her. She turned around to face us. We ran out of the alleyway to meet up with the two who were previously were fighting.

"Invi, Aced! what's going on?!" Ava asked the two hoping for an answer.

"I found out who the traitor is, regrettably," Invi said remorsefully. Ava gasped as she looked over to Aced.

"no. That's not true!" She turned her whole body to face Aced. Gula and I summoned our keyblades and turned to him ready to attack.

"Ava there's no time to lose!" I told her. She let out a sound of distress. Aced looked up at us and was struggling to stand up. Ava looked down at her hands and reluctantly summoned her keyblade she pointed it at Aced gaining a little more confidence. Aced he prepared to take us all on.


I look at the damage we have caused. Aced... have you really strayed from the path of light? I walked away from the destroyed bridge, I was walking on autopilot when I ran into Ava. She was heading to the old warehouse where Aced called us. Seeing the panic caused me to worry, so I followed her there, and I'm glad I did. When we got there, Gula fell to the ground obviously hurt and Aced was standing over him with his keyblade equipped. Ava and I ran over to his Ava slid to shield him while I stood in front of the both of them ready to fight if necessary.

"please! Aced stop," I beg him, he looks at the two of us.

"you two, huh." He let out a small groan of pain and started for the door. I diverted my attention to my injured friend behind me. I help Ava lift him, so he was upright I was no his right while Ava was supporting his left.

"why? why did it have to come to this?" Ava said mostly to herself. We brought him to a secluded alleyway away from prying eyes. Ava sent out her Chirithy to scout the area and to warn us if someone's coming. Gula was still unconscious, we had him propped up against the wall. I was watching him, Sadness washes over me as there's nothing I could do to help. Ava's Chirithy came running back and skidded to a stop.

"someone's coming! Their head straight this way." the Chirithy said. Ava and I look at each other and nod. We stand up off the ground.

" look after him ok," Ava tells Chirithy, and we both walk off in the direction that he came from. We round a few corners and walk onto a bridge when we do I can see Ira walking with his back to us Ava calls out to him.

"Ira?" She runs towards him, and I follow not too far behind. He turns and walks to us. The first thing I notice where his eyes... they're scary.

"Is something wrong?" Ava asked Ira as we got closer to him.

"I know Gula's here." he said coldly, his words made me tense, but it wasn't visible.

"what?!" Ava exclaimed in surprise then looks down. Ira walks in between the two of us I keep my head down to avoid eye contact.

"tell me where he is," Ira said, no more like demanded. My blood ran cold there's no way in telling him where Gula is and I hope that Ava won't tell. We turn to follow Ira's movement to behind us.

"but why?" Ava asked.

"what are you going to do? I said finally looking up.

"none of your concern," she said and started to walk away. I ran ahead of him and stopped him.

"don't." I bring up my arms out on either side of me to stop him. Ava comes to stand next to me.

"what?" Ira is clearly annoyed by this.

"we won't let you near him!" Ava somewhat yells at him.

"so that's it..." Ira put his head down. "alright I'll go" he said as he turned around and walked away. I lowered my arms as he did. We watched him walk off then turned and ran back to where Gula was.

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