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Asalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarkatuhu
"Allah knows where it hurts,when it hurts,how it hurts,trust his plans ,and He'll show you how he heals where he heals when he heals"

Dear brother's and sister's

I would like to share with you some narrations and even  from the quran to talk to you about the blessings importance, and benefits of tahajjud prayer(night prayer)

Eventhough, it is not mandatory prayer it is regarded the prayers after fard ( mandatory)and it is regarded with highest standard

I know it is hard to wake up for tahajjud i am guilty for myself for not trying to wake-up for tahajjud as much as I should

Once you read the Qur'an ayats and hadith inshaallah  we will try to incorporate this prayer in our lives

Amr 'bin 'absah reported that the prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him )said :" the closest the Lord is to his slave is in the later parts of night so if you can be one of those
Who remember Allah at that time than do so"
(Reported by al-tirmidhi and al-nisaa'i)

Some also have questions related to tahajjud like:

Q)What is the time for tahajjud and when it starts??

A)If one could divide  one night  hours into 6 equal parts, then the absolute best time to offer ones voluntary tahajjud prayer would be the time of fifth or sixth portions of one is unable to offer their tahajjud prayer at this best and opportunate time for any reason the absolute majority of the scholars in islam are of the opinion that if one strives to offer their tahajjud prayer at any time between the end of isha prayer and before the call of fajr prayer they would recieve their appropriate due reward from Allah s.w.t for their striving

"Capture the nights silence in your  heart  with sincere faith to your creator pray as if it's your last"

Q) and also can we pray in the dark ??

A)If for any reason one wishes to offer their prayer in the dark their is absolutely no harm

Whatever written of truth and benefit is only due to Allah guidance  whatever of error is of me alone Allah alone knows best and he is the only source of strength 
"The dua made at tahajjud is like an arrow which does not miss it's target (imam ash -shafai)"

Your sister and well wisher in islam 

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