the story begins...

22 4 11

You wake up in shock from the nightmares you always have about a notebook and how it has powers. You say that it was stupid and idiotic for a notebook to make people sick and heal them. Once you finished your statement, you started to put on your uniform for school.

On your way to school,you noticed that something had fell off the roof of the school. Once it fell on the ground, you got a good look at ot to was the notebook...the notebook from your dreams...was real.

You had no idea what to do!
Would you,
1. Run away
2. Pick it up and throw it away in the furnace
3.continue your day
4. Use the notebook to punish and make others suffer!

( please pick carefully, the choices will either be private messaged to you or i will put them in little chapters, sayonara my lovely flowers🌸)

The notebook of sickness and healthWhere stories live. Discover now