Chapter 5

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A week later, I still had what Will had said on my mind; that Jack had known my mother. I kept waiting for a chance to speak to Jack, but I got the feeling he was avoiding me. That upset me too...I still had the other thing that Will had said on my mind as well; that I had some sort of affectionate feelings for Jack. It wasn't true though, I knew it. It couldn't be true.

I tugged at the rope in my hands hard, pulling the sails down as we pulled into the port of Tortuga. Anyway, I told myself, the only reason you want to talk to him is to help him arrange your party. That's the only reason. But I couldn't deny that I was desperate to speak with him, and instinctively, I glanced over my shoulder, and suddenly, quite by chance, spotted the man in question go into his cabin.

"Gibbs, take this!" I cried, hastily pushing the rope into his hands. Gibbs took it, looking bemused but knowing not to argue by the tone of my voice. I hurried to Jack's cabin and then paused, grabbing a stray bottle of rum from a discarded crate. I was going to need it.

"Jack?" I called quietly, my voice soft, raising my hand to knock on his cabin door, when I stopped, hearing muffled voices from inside. I strained my ears, listening to the murmurs. I could hear Jack.

", well I was just wanting to wait. Hello. Hey.'re a very pretty girl, uh...woman, girwoman...? Oh god," I heard him groan. I tried to smother a giggle, but then felt a weird wave of jealously sweep over me. #

What was going on? Who was this girl?! Was Jack in love?! For real?

I shook myself furiously. I shouldn't feel like this. I should be happy for him. Why did I feel like this?! I rubbed my forehead with my fist angrily, trying to shake these thoughts, but then groaned and stumbled, my head crashing against the wall as the door I was leaning on swung open. Jack peeped out and looked surprised to see me on the ground for a moment, but then held out his hand quickly, attempting to be a gentleman. I took it gratefully and he pulled me to my feet.

"So Rose...what exactly were you doing outside my door?" He frowned, trying to sound casual but just sounding slightly irritated and confused.

"I was just...uh, wanting to say hello," I mumbled, cringing awkwardly.

"Well er...hello," He grinned slowly at me, his voice soft and smooth, gold teeth glinting. I felt a small flutter in my stomach which I shook off in annoyance. His smile faded slightly.

"You didn't...hear anything, did you?" He asked quickly, casting his eye to his cabin warily.

"No," I lied automatically. "I didn't hear anything."

He looked at me for a few moments before nodding. "Good. Well...I've got to finish invitations and whatever. Goodbye, Rose," He whispered, and close the door gently behind him once more.

I shut my eyes for a few moments, breathing out unsteadily. I needed a drink.

I walked over to the edge of the ship and climbed down the rope ladder, noticing the ship was now quiet and eerily deserted. A lot of the crew had vanished already, probably to one of the taverns to drown their sorrows or pick up some of Tortuga's courtesans. I placed my feet on the pontoon and headed up the path, through the crowds of people that were gathered on every corner, chattering away in loud tones, their raucous laughter ringing in my ears, making my way into a slightly questionable looking tavern.

As soon as I entered I saw that the rest of the crew were already here and selected a table at the back in the corner, wishing to be alone. I fiddled with my hair dejectly, feeling deeply miserable, though I had no idea why.

I looked up suddenly as I heard the door swing open and a group of loud cheers filled the bar as Jack strolled in with his usual casual swagger. Many women in the bar stood up and made their way over to Jack as though drawn to him like moths to a flame, where they begun flirting stupidly with him, with high-pitched giggles and squawks, but he scanned the crowds, seeming to be looking for someone. His shoulders slumped and it became evident the person in question was not there, and he sat down with his crew, his head bowed slightly, deep in thought. I crept closer to their table, and crouched behind a large pot plant to conceal myself, straining my ears to listen, unable to stop myself.

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