Chapter 14

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That evening the crew decided to celebrate their victory by, of course, drinking some rum. Will and I sat awkwardly on the edge of the party while the crew and Jack got louder and louder, drinking more and more. I had sat next to Jack for a while, attempting to start a conversation, but I felt strangely shut off from him as he laughed with his crew. He barely looked at me the whole evening.

"Miss Callaway," Will suddenly said, shaking me out of my thoughts, "I'll be back in a second, okay?" He reassured me sweetly.

I nodded, watching him go. I looked around at the drunken crew and sighed, deciding to maybe take a little walk. I got up to go just as Will had, but as I walked away across the deck, I heard a new conversation start. I paused and moved behind several barrels of rum so the crew couldn't see me, listening intently to their words.

"...And what about you and Miss Callaway? What did you get up to on that island? I think that's what we'd all like to know!" One of the crew laughed. This question was followed by loud cheers of approval which soon died away as the group waited expectantly for Jack's answer. I peeped over the top of my hiding place, my stomach oddly tight, wondering what Jack was going to tell them, catching a glimpse of the uncomfortable expression on his face, his eyebrows knotted together in thought.

"Well...uh...we um...drew up plans of escape to er...well, escape and whatnot...and stuff," Jack burbled uselessly, making no sense whatsoever.

"You made love to her, didn't you?" One piped up. Jack's golden skin turned slightly pink, a deep blush spreading over his cheekbones, unable to deny this. There were loud jeers and triumphant laughs from around him. I hadn't ever expected him to look self-conscious; he just wasn’t that sort of person, but now he truly looked like he wanted to be somewhere, anywhere else.

"Tell us Jack, how was she?" One slurred from the middle of the crowd, and more laughter followed this question. Jack stood up dramatically, swaying due to all the rum he'd drank.

"I will say, hic, no more, gentleman," he slurred, his words blurring together in an indistinguishable mumble, and the crew laughed mockingly.

"Do you love her? Are you going to live happily ever after? Captain Jack Sparrow; the married man," Some of them teased loudly. I saw Jack stiffen angrily, hating being laughed at. The teasing continued until Jack burst out, "NO! I don't love her! Happy? I...I just wanted a quickie and she was the only one around!" And with that, Jack staggered away to his cabin away from the drunken cheers of his crew.

I would have gotten up and left too, but my legs felt like lead, and I was temporarily frozen from what I'd just heard. He hadn't cared about me at all. He'd just been bored and had used me. Typical Jack, always playing games. That would teach me to ever trust a pirate.

I sat staring at the floorboards numbly until a pair of boots appeared in front of me.

"Miss Callaway?" Will asked softly, bending down and looking confused when I gave no response. I didn't reply.

"Miss Callaway?" Will repeated. I put my head in my hands, sighing and then slowly pushed myself up to face him.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong, Miss Callaway?" Will asked worriedly, catching sight of the miserable expression on my face.

"Nothing," I replied, finding my voice. "It's nothing Will...just...I want to be on my own right now, okay?" I mumbled, trying to push past him, but Will was persistent. He grabbed my wrist firmly.

"What is it? Tell me," he said pleadingly.

"Get off me!" I screamed furiously. He did not let go. A tear was about to slip out of the corner of my eye and I scrubbed at it angrily, glaring at Will who was watching me pityingly.

"I don't need your pity, Will!" I shrieked obstinately, glaring away from him at the floorboards as my vision blurred with tears I couldn't stop.

"I don't pity you," he replied softly and before I knew it I was collapsed onto his chest, sobbing. Will hugged me tightly, wrapping his skinny arms around my body and kissed the top of my head comfortingly, but somehow I didn't feel the comfort I felt in Jack's arms. Will couldn't ever compare to Jack.

He loosened his hold on me and wiped away a tear from my cheek.

"If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay," he smiled kindly. "I'm...I'm here for you though, Miss Callaway."

"Call me Rose," I smiled weakly at him, realising he was the only real friend I had on this ship. Will took my hand and led me to his cabin. He closed the door gently behind us, clicking the lock. I giggled weakly as he got down on one knee and pulled a beautiful crimson flower out from behind his back. He gently took my hand and pressed the delicate flower into my palm.

"A rose," I murmured softly, my fingertips brushing the velvety petals. Will nodded, getting up, a tiny smile playing at his lips. I thought of Jack and was unable to prevent a sigh escaping my lips.

Why can't he ever be like this to me? All he can ever think about is rum and his stupid ship... I thought grudgingly to myself.

Will tilted his head on one side, watching me knowingly with his large dark eyes. "I knew you weren't''s Jack, isn't it?" he asked, sitting down in a chair almost wearily. I sat down tentatively opposite him.

"It's always Jack," I mumbled softly. Will leant towards me, reaching out his hand and stroking my long hair persistently, winding my delicate curls around his fingers. I looked up at him. His eyes were gazing at my face so intently it seemed he was memorising every tiny detail.

"What are you doing?" I breathed, not breaking my gaze. Will didn't reply, but leant towards me, his honey coloured skin illuminated beautifully by the glow of the candle on his desk. His soft, full lips were close to mine now, about to brush against kiss me?

I looked up at Will, wondering if this was what he actually wanted and had intended to happen by bringing me into his cabin, or if maybe he'd just had a bit too much to drink.

...Was this what I wanted?

I thought of the image of Jack, his dreadlocks blowing in the breeze, his brown eyes sparkling playfully as he joked with me and I knew what I had to do. I turned my head and Will's lips brushed against my cheek. He paused, and I felt the warmth of his skin next to mine, before he let out a tiny sigh.

" really are something else," he mumbled softly. I closed my eyes, and then opened them again, looking at Will.

"I think I should go now," I said quietly and got up carefully, walking over to the door. As I left the cabin, one of the straps on my dress caught roughly on the hinge of the door, ripping. I freed it and tried to hurriedly fix it, but it was torn beyond repair so I just let it hang down loosely over my shoulder, just like my curls were. As I shut the door, I caught a glimpse of Will, half hidden in shadow, his head hanging. I turned away and found someone blocking my path.

"Excuse me," I muttered, attempting to push past them, but they would not move. I looked up.

"Jack...please move," I said firmly, meeting his black rimmed eyes determinedly, feeling the familiar fluttering feeling as he blinked, flashing his thick black lashes at me. His cheeks tinged slightly pink with hurt at my cold tone, but he obliged. I noticed his eyes flit from the cabin I'd just come out of and Will, sitting in shadows on his bed, to the strap slid halfway down my shoulder, and his eyebrows raised slightly, a look of shock flickering across his hurt face. I opened my mouth to explain but then closed it again. He could think what he wanted. Why should I be the one who always got hurt?

I glared at him and pulled up my strap.

"Goodbye," I snapped stiffly and stalked off, leaving him watching me, a sad, regretful little smile on his face...

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