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Here it is, sorry for the delay...




My head hurts. A lot.

I wanna cry.

Where is Jin hyung? Jimin hyung?

I can't even open my eyes and couldn't get up.

Everything hurts. My head feels like breaking.

"So you're up."


"Time to take a bath, bunny."


"Ouch! Who are- wait-"

I felt a painful grip on my arm and I was pulled from the bed making me feel dizzy.

This person keeps dragging me until my sight got a little better and looked at the person.


I whispered.

He opened a door revealing a big bathroom with a tub, shower and luxurious interior.

He opened a door revealing a big bathroom with a tub, shower and luxurious interior

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He continued pulling me even when I whimpered in pain.

"I- I need to go home. My hyung...my hyungs will be worried."

He stops in front of the tub full of water but the faucet is still running. He turns to look at me but it only sent shivers down my spine when he smirks at me.

"You'll learn to listen to me starting today."

I wasn't able to comprehend what he said when he pushed me into the tub, still fully-clothed. My elbow and head hit the corner of the tub and it was so painful.

At this very moment, I don't care if I cry like a helpless baby but it hurts. I thought that's all but I was so wrong.

The man sitting at the edge of the tub grips harshly at my hair and pushed me down the tub.

I keep reaching for something to hold on as I feel like drowning, taking in some of the water in my mouth and nose.

"Stop- Help-"

I felt my head getting pushed down the tub once again. Tried getting up for air but he tugged my hair harder. I grabbed his arm, his leather jacket, and hit and scratches it for desperate escape but it was of no help.

Just when I thought I would die from drowning, he pulled me up.

I gasped for air and my eyes sting from the tears slowly escaping them. I coughed and coughed.

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