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I will be editing this FF once I finish it.

I will have to correct a few things and add/remove some photos, too.


V entered the room with his bloody hands down, one holding a knife and the other a gun. While RM followed with two guns in his hands.

RM immediately checks everything. And by everything, it means how many men are there pointing their guns at them, where are the possible exits, which part of the room can be used as a shield when they start shooting and any fucking possible way they'd let the brothers escaped in one piece.

At least 10 men plus Seungho and the brothers.

V had his gaze fixed on the man smirking at him.

"It's been a while, V. Did you miss me?"

Seungho chuckles before standing up.

Seungho chuckles before standing up

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V remained silent with his eyes following every movement of Seungho.

"The upstairs is clear. VIXX and B1A4 left already. Don't waste time."

Suga pants a little on the line.

"The whole place is jammed again."

Jhope added right after.

RM and V didn't bother responding. RM finally settled his eyes on Jin.

Why is he glaring at me now?

RM wanted to ask but it's not the right time.

RM made sure Jin would get what he wants to say. Jin followed his foot as he moved it a bit pointing to the left. Jin made it not obvious and peeked on his left. It's a door. He nodded.

Seungho is quite busy riling up V who started showing his emotions.

"Do you remember when he screamed for your help, V?"

"Do you remember when he pleaded me to save you instead?"

"And do you remember when you watched him-"

"Fuck you!"

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