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I seriously forgot things I was supposed to connect in the story but hopefully, it's not big and you guys won't notice lol


"Ah, that was our mistake. I didn't bother checking who you were guys before. I didn't know Jin Goo killed Min's first child and injured Daehyun's son and Mr. Kim's heir."

Seungho sighs.

"Are you done talking?"

V tried balling his fists to control his trembling hands, anger filling him up.

Jungkook couldn't believe his ears. He didn't know it was this horrific. He couldn't believe Seungho could simply kill people. Sure he knows the man would hurt them but killing a lady and a boy like nothing is just too much for him.

"Are you done with your story-telling? Because I can't wait to kill you."

V didn't bother waiting for an answer and runs and jumps on Seungho.

Seungho smoothly avoided V's knife and several more attacks.

They both know it's better to enjoy fighting and killing with pain.

"I'd like to see how far you can go without using guns."

Seungho smirks before pulling out his own knife.

"You'll see."

V returns the smirk.

Seungho made the next move. He swiftly swings his hand holding his sharp knife. V was able to dodge them yet the last one managed to cut his leather jacket's arm, a small cut on his arm.

"One, zero."

Seungho tilts his head, mocking him.

"Is that it?"

V retorts.

"I heard you give your opponents 7 chances to attack. Why don't you give it to me then?"

"You're an exception."

"I feel special."

"You should be."

V attacks again, the same way he did earlier so it was easy for Seungho to avoid them all. Only that, V pulled a smaller knife on his boots while continuing to attack Seungho.

Seungho groans and backs away after a sharp pain hit his leg. He looks at it and blood started staining his pants.

"You shouldn't expect me to do the same move twice."

V smirks and Seungho smirks right away.

V advances again with knives on both hands. Seungho grabs a small table lamp while backing away slowly as V is trying to hit him nonstop.

V drops his knife when Seungho successfully hit his wrist with the lamp. It was in no second when V throws his knife towards Seungho's wrist, holding the knife.

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