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Hannah has never felt so alone. Stuck at a measly four and one-fourth inches tall, held prisoner in a cage in a lab on a remote island, and tested daily with chemicals that a normal little girl should stay far away from. Hannah's anything but normal, however. She doesn't know where Carter and Justin are, just that theu are most likely under the control of the Pied Piper serum, which turns them into midnless robot version of themselves. And she is scared. Tiny, innocent Carter, with his slight stutter, and Justin, who she is starting to realize may develop into the love of her life. And even though Dr. Knight thinks she's got the upper hand, she's overlooked an important detail. If you test someone with serums intended to give poeple superpowers, they may actually do what they're supposed to do ... 

Carter has never been so mad. Generally, it's hard to ruffle his feathers, but this tips the scales like nothing ever has before. Hannah is a tiny prisoner of his sadistic mother, and Justin is  slave to the PIed Piper serum. As far as Carter knows, Hannah was not injected with he serum, and he has always been resistant to its effects. And he can't even help his friends, because he's stuck in a pet store halfway across the country, in Seattle. Carter doesn't think he'll ever get out. But then he meets Louis Alexander, a big kid with an even bigger heart, and it makes him realize that love comes in all shapes and sizes ... 

Justin has never felt so trapped. He can't even break out of his prison, because he's trapped inside his mind. He can't  control his body, and he's forced to watch as what- or who - ever is controling his body offers his arm up to be tested. Justin, however, is strong-willed and he doesn't let anyone take him down without a fight. Slowly, he starts to hammer cracks into the bubble he's held in in his mind. He starts to force memories through the barrier, weaving them into dreams. He begins to build an alliance with whatever is commandeering him. The big question here is, will he be able to secure control of his body in time to prevent the crazy schemes of Carter's mental mom ... ?

Three points of view intertwine like vines here, three different plotlines that drive one point home. Never judge a book by its cover - or a person by their size. Because the best things are often wrapped in the smallest, most unassuming packages. 

[A/N: Five different people commenting their opinions and seven votes for the prologue rewrite:) I wanna know that you guys are actually going to pay attention to this story ~ Mollie xxxxxxx]

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