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[SO SORRY THIS IS LATE I HAD MUSICAL AND BLAAHH BUT I AM BACK IN BUSINESS NOW BABY! WOOOHOOO! Without further ado, here is the new prologue. I promise to never leave it this long again IF I get some feedback on Losing Hope and Into the Depths. ~ Mollie xxxxxxx]

I used to think my life was routine. Get up. Go to school. Come home. Do homework. Eat dinner. Sleep. Repeat.

I knew nothing about routine. I never realized that until just now.

At least at school, I knew that there would be the chance of some slight variation or typical school drama. Here, everything is exactly the same.

I wake up early after a long, fitful "sleep" in my cage. A few pieces of shredded lettuce are dropped into my cage for breakfast, and the bottle is filled with stale, metallic water. Then I watch the procession of Miniatures, trapped helplessly underneath the Pied Piper serum.

Every day, I scan the crowd of emotionless faces, hoping to see Justin or Carter. Even though it would be heartbreaking to see the Miniature I think I'm falling for and his sweet, stuttering best friend mindless robots, not knowing where they are or if they're okay is driving me crazy.

Around noon-ish, usually - according to the clock on the lab wall - Dr. Knight comes in. I haven't seen her husband for a good solid while, just her. She gives me chopped up vegetables for lunch, generally either carrots or potatoes, and then spends the day injecting me with different serums and noting the reactions. Mostly I'm just queasy.

My life before was boring, but at least it was freedom. Now I have incarceration, boredom, pure torture, excessive worry, and practically heartbreak.

And even if I do manage to escape from here, I know that no aspect of my life will ever be the same again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I hate my life.

I spend all of my days sitting in a cage in a pet store. I am only allowed to wear a pair of boxers, nothing more. All of my scars are completely exposed. I miss Hannah and I miss Justin.

Justin was always so protective, keeping me safe from every type of evil in the world. If he'd had his way, he would have kept me safely locked away where no one could ever hurt me again.

And Hannah, wonderful, sweet, loving Hannah. Justin was my best friend, but Hannah was like a mother. A proper mother, I might add, not like my real one. I know that Justin and Hannah had massive crushes on each other, and I'm cool with that. Because honestly, girls are becoming less and less attractive to me in general.

I don't know what I want anymore, other than to bust out of this crappy pet shop. And since all I have to do is sit here, I know all the ins and outs of the shop.

Pretty soon, I'll break out of this cursed prison. Then I'll find Hannah and free Justin. Because I love my friends more than anything, and there's no way I'm letting anything happen to them.

Not on my life.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I want to die.

Over the last few months, all I can think about is trying to die, trying to escape this accursed prison called my mind.

Hannah and Carter are lucky - luckier than me, anyways. They can control their bodies, they aren't forced to move.

I can't move any part of my body by myself; I've been stripped of my free will. I'm still perfectly aware of what is happening, though.

I don't even have control of my voice. I can't sing or speak or even scream unless Dr. Knight taps the commands into the freaky computer controlling all of the Miniatures under the Pied Piper influence.

So many nights, I've dreamed of escaping from these confines and destroying that device. Then I rescue Hannah, and we find a cure to reverse the Miniature serum.

Then we go to Seattle, to find Carter, and we bring him back. Then Hannah and I date and get married, and Carter ....

For some reason, I always see Carter in the arms if another boy, with dark brown hair, pale blue eyes, and glasses. I'm not sure if that's my imagination or something more, but Carter always laughs before the boy kisses his nose.

But the preprogrammed signal always forces me awake in the middle of my dreams.

Sometimes I think that only my dreams are free now - but if the whispers I've heard are true, Dr. Knight might find a stronger serum. She might learn to control our dreams, too, so that she can brainwash us at night as well.

I might lose the only piece of sanity that I have left, the only time I get to see Hannah and Carter.

I might disappear altogether.

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