Jonathan Brandis Part One

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For @KeiraJade034

Jonathan Brandis: Best Friend's Little Sister

"Jonathan!"Derek said as he spotted his old best friend from across the street. The two of them were supposed to meet for lunch after seven years of not seeing each other.

"Derek, man, it's been forever since I saw you last!"Jonathan exclaimed, happy to see his childhood friend again.

"Well, of course it has Mr. Hollywood Bigshot. You're too busy hanging out with Chuck Norris to even come home for a minute."Derek said.

"Nah, man. It's not like that. Just.. work stuff, it makes it hard to come home."Jonathan defended lightly.

"So then, it's exactly like that."Derek teased.

"Yeah, man, I guess you're right."Jonathan said with a small grin and a laugh.

"So, how's your sister?"Jonathan asked curiously as the two of them sat down at their outside table.

"I'll take an espresso and he'll have a cup of black coffee."Jonathan said when the waitress got to their table. She just nodded in response and then went to make their order.

"You son of a bitch."Derek said, leaning back in his chair.

"What?"Jonathan asked curiously.

"I hate black coffee."Derek said.

"Tough."Jonathan teased before grabbing a few sweetener packets and throwing them in his friend's face. The two of them laughed a bit before settling down.

"You know, you never answered my question."Jonathan pointed out.

"What?"Derek asked in confusion.

"Your sister, how is she doing?"Jonathan asked again.

"Y/N? She's good, man. She's in high school now."Derek said.

"Well I would've figured, considering she's fifteen."Jonathan said.

"Yeah, I still can't believe it. She's smart and shit now, always talking about some old book that she's reading. It's like she did a full three-sixty, man."Derek said, relishing on the memories of his younger sister.

"She's always liked to read, Derek."Jonathan reminded his best friend.

"Yeah, but not stuff like this, man. She doesn't read to fill the place of boredom, she reads to build like an image of something. She reads for the story and for the knowledge, and boy does she love to tell our dad about it. The old man gets a real kick out of her rambling."Derek explained.

"What else is going on with her?"Jonathan wondered aloud.

"What do you mean?"Derek asked.

"Does she have a boyfriend or-"Jonathan started but was then cut off by his best friend.

"No shit, man."Derek said in shock.

"What?"Jonathan asked curiously.

"You're still hot for her, aren't you?"Derek asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, I-I was just-"

"Wondering if you'd missed your chance with my younger sister?"Derek finished for Jonathan. In response, Jonathan remained silent, knowing that he had been busted.

The waitress then came with their drinks and set them down on the table. The two of them thanked the waitress quietly and then Jonathan took a sip of his espresso from the small cup.

"For your information, no, she does not have a boyfriend. Also, no, you cannot date her."Derek said.

"I wasn't going to ask-"

"No, but you were thinking it."Derek said.

"God, Jon, you've loved her since she was six."Derek said.

"She's a nice girl."Jonathan defended.

"She's also you're best friend's little sister."Derek said, putting emphasis on the word 'little'.

"She's only-"Jonathan was once again cut off by his best friend.

"Four years younger than us, Jon, she's four years younger than us."Derek pointed out.

"That's not that many years."Jonathan defended.

"No, but it is enough to land you in jail for the time being."Derek said.

"You got me there."Jonathan said, hanging his head low.

"Why can't you just move on, Jon? I mean, it's not like she loves you back, she told you that seven years ago, before you left for the States."Derek said, causing Jonathan's heart to break all over again.

"Can we not talk about that."Jonathan said lowly.

"Talk about what? The truth."Derek said.

"Can I see her?"Jonathan asked whilst lifting his head up to look at Derek across the table.

"Jon-"Derek began, but Jonathan cut him off.

"Please. I won't try anything, I just wanna see her."Jonathan begged.

"Fine, but first, finish your drink and I'll try to finish mine without vomiting."Derek said.

"Coffee is not that bad."Jonathan teased.

"Shut up."Derek said before taking a swig of his coffee, burning the roof of his mouth in the process.

"Jesus shit!"Derek exclaimed after swallowing his drink.

"Oh yeah, coffee is usually served hot."Jonathan teased.

"Whatever, asshat, just finish your little expresso."Derek said, emphasizing the word 'expresso'.

"It's espresso, dude."Jonathan said before taking a sip of it. Derek just shot him a glare in response, causing Jonathan to laugh after swallowing his own drink.

"You're lucky we're friends."Derek muttered grumpily before taking another, but smaller, drink of his coffee.

To be continued...

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