Jonathan Brandis Part Two

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For @KeiraJade034

Jonathan Brandis: Flashback

"Jonnie."An annoyed, familiar voice rang out.

"Jonnie!"The voice said as the person, whom the voice belong to, began snapping their fingers in Jonathan's face. Jonathan then snapped back to reality and looked at the young girl in front of him.

"Y/N."He said breathlessly to the eight year old in front of him.

"Derek's looking for you."She said as she rested her hands on her hips.

"Where is he at?"Jonathan asked Y/N.

"In the attic."Y/N replied.

"Tell him that I'll be up in a minute."Jonathan replied as he hung his head low again and began to play with the grass under him.

Just then, Y/N fell to her knees right in front of Jonathan, her face a few millimeters away from his own. Jonathan was left breathless by her action, and began to fidget nervously.

"Why are you sad?"Y/N asked bluntly.

"My mom's making me do those stupid auditions again."Jonathan said nervously as her face got even closer to his.

"I thought you liked acting?"Y/N question.

"I do... I just hate the process of auditioning."Jonathan explained, growing the tiniest bit more comfortable when she backed away from him and sat cross legged, her knees the tiniest bit away from his.

"Is the seventh grade hard?"Y/N asked, completely changing the subject. She did this a lot due to her immaturity that came with only being eight.

"Uh, y-yeah, I guess."Jonathan stuttered.

"Do you have a lot of homework, because I do and I'm only in-"Y/N rambled, but was then cut off by her brother.

"Hey, bud!"Derek called out as he burst out of the front door and ran to the front lawn.

"I can't hang today, Missie wants to go to the movies."Derek said whilst running to grab his bike from the garage.

"But you're supposed to be watching me!"Y/N exclaimed.

"Jon can watch you."Derek said quickly before hopping on his bike and peddling away.

"Thanks for watching her, man!"Derek called out to Jonathan.

"Do you wanna play dolls?"Y/N asked suddenly.

"Uh- I-"Jonathan stuttered nervously.

"No, wait! Can you do my hair and makeup again? Like you did last time?"Y/N asked excitedly.

"Uh, yeah, sure."Jonathan agreed nervously.

"Alright, let's go to my mom's room!"Y/N exclaimed before grabbing Jonathan by the hand and pulling him into the house and down the short hallway to her mother's room.

"You sit on the bed and I'll sit on the floor so that you can reach all of my hair."Y/N instructed whilst pointing Jonathan to the bed. He complied; she then grabbed a comb and some hair ties and handed them to him.

"I'm not very good at this."Jonathan reminded her.

"Just do your best."Y/N encouraged. He then began on her hair; combing it first and then beginning to braid it.

After about thirty minutes and a dozen failed attempts, he finally finished and tied a hair tie around the end of the braid.

"How do I look?"Y/N asked as she turned around to face him with her bright brown doe eyes.

"It'd probably look better if someone who actually knew how to braid properly did it."Jonathan said honestly.

"I didn't ask how my hair looked, I asked how I looked."Y/N said impatiently as she stressed the word 'I'.

"You look b-beautiful, always have."Jonathan stuttered nervously.

The young girl then quickly jumped on Jonathan and embraced him in a tight hug; her little arms wrapped around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. Y/N had always been a hugger, although she usually only hugged her parents and teachers. This action left the twelve year old boy breathless once again.

"Y/N, can I tell you something?"Jonathan asked nervously as she pulled away from his embrace.

The young girl nodded eagerly, waiting for him to continue.

"I-I love you."Jonathan said, causing the young girl's smile to drop and the bright look in her eyes to dull.

Little did Jonathan know, that her brother had returned early due to him and Missie getting into a fight and was now standing outside the bedroom door whilst listening to everything.

"Do you love me too?"Jonathan asked and Y/N shook her head quickly, a small 'no' leaving her mouth. Y/N had never thought about love before, she'd heard her mom say it to her boyfriend and she understood it somewhat; however, she'd never really loved any one in that way, in a romantic way.

At that moment, the air in the room stiffened and Y/N wanted nothing more than to just leave, so that's what she did. She untangled herself from Jonathan's gentle grip and ran out of the room and down the hall into her own room, slamming the door shut and collapsing on her twin bed.

"Y/N!"Jonathan called after her, getting up to check on her.

"Leave me alone!"She replied, the idea of love scared her.

Once he got out side the room, his best friend pinned him against the wall.

"Don't, man."Derek said.

"I'm sorry."Jonathan said sincerely.

"I'm not mad at you, but I will be if you try to go in there because that will just make things worse."Derek explained.

"You're not mad?"Jonathan asked in confusion.

"No, I've always known that you love her, you're like freaking obsessed with her, have been for two years now."Derek said.

"Let's go to your house, Jon. We can play basketball to distract you from this."Derek suggested.

"Ok."Jonathan replied hoarsely.

"Ok?"Derek said, wanting to double check. Jonathan just nodded in response.

"Alright, man, grab your bike."Derek said as he let Jonathan go and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

The two of them then rode their bikes back to the Brandis family's house and spent the rest of the day trying to get Jonathan's mind off of Y/N.

To be continued....

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