Episode 8 - Rebel👽

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"If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun."

-Katharine Hepburn


Kate sat on her bed with her back facing the window. She examined her right hand which was swollen and reddened. Her knuckles had taken the worst damage, and they stung terribly. Elena entered with their mom trailing beside, clutching a first aid kit. Their mother's brown eyes depicted a mix of anger, worry, and disbelief.

She sat down on the bed and took Kate's injured hand in hers, making her flinch.

"Violence is not the answer, Kate," Eleanor spoke seriously.

"What would I do mother? They were badmouthing about El. I couldn't hear that," Kate explained as raised her left hand to tuck a curly strand behind her ear.

"Would you go on hitting people who speak badly about you or your sister?"

When she found Kate silent, she continued, "You can't stop all the people from speaking ill. I don't think so."


"Kate, there might be much more people who would think bad about you or envy you. That doesn't mean you'd know who it is."

Eleanor gingerly placed an ice pack on Kate's knuckles, watching her face contort by the cold touch, and she let out a slight shudder. She was never a person to love the cold anyway.

"Ignore such people. Don't let them see your weakness, Kate. Being violent won't aid in putting your point forth. You can do it in a gentle way as well..."

"She wasn't being weak, mom," Elena defended her sister.

"Anger is a negative side of your personality. It makes you mad, and you do things which you wouldn't do if you were calm. It changes you. How is anger, then, not a weakness?" Eleanor explained.

"I'm sorry, this won't happen again," Kate apologized.

"Apologize to the boys that you've hit, not to me. You're a strong and good person, Kate, don't let the world see your bad side," Eleanor explained and kissed her forehead. Elena joined in as the three group-hugged tightly.

Watching the whole exchange from his window was a person with a small smile on his face. However, it was masked by sadness a second later. He let out a huge sigh and shook his head.

That person was Ivan.


Ivan sprinted out of the Astronomy class with Max hollering behind him.

"Dude, wait up, what's the hurry?" Max asked as he reached Ivan's side in two large strides.

"I've to get away before Elena finds me," Ivan answered with a groan, his baby blue eyes rolled upwards towards the roof. This received soft chuckles from Max.

"You think this is funny? Let someone annoy you when you're studying your favorite subject," Ivan commented with a huff. "Then you'll know."

"Fine, let's get to the cafeteria, I'm hungry," Max said with a brief grin.

"You're always hungry," Ivan answered, and rolled his eyes again.

"Hope your eyeballs don't get stuck," Max commented with a cheeky grin.

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