Episode 41 - Vanilla-Cheeks👽

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"He painted over her scars
with every color he could find
until she lost them in the setting sun."



The past week had been a mix of exhilaration and melancholy for Max.

Kate ignoring him was like a thorn pricking his heart without a break.

What was more? She had even accused him of kissing Sarah. She had called him a cheater and a heartbreaker.

But he knew he wasn't one. In his life, he had found love, a partner, a friend, a companion--only in her.

He would grab her by force if needed, but he would tell her the truth.

There she was in the Nature class, seeming like a lily among the greenery.

Though she was seated beside him, she felt far away.

He couldn't lose her. What he felt for her was much more than mere lust or amorous feelings.

He couldn't get the taste of her lips out of his head, nor the pain her eyes had held before she pushed him away.

He was sure she felt the same way but something was stopping her. He badly wanted to know the reason but he also knew that forcing her was of no use.

First of all, he couldn't even keep his word of not talking to her.

Her face, pure and innocent, her eyes, strong and brave, wouldn't let him be away.

Her close presence felt like an unquenched thirst, despite being near a sea. He couldn't hold her, nor could he be away from her.

The hesitation in his fingers told him not to touch her hand but the voice in his heart pushed him forward.

He held her palm, giving it a light squeeze. Startled, she glanced at him, her honey-like eyes seeming sweet and bitter.

"Kate, listen to me," he whispered.

Shaking her head, she removed her hand from his hold and went back to studying the sapling in her other hand.


"I will be back in some minutes, please continue studying the saplings." Mrs. Ford, the Nature teacher smiled.

Max threw a suspicious glance at the teacher's back. As if sensing it, she turned and winked at him.

Gesturing her head towards Kate, who was engrossed in the sapling, the teacher showed two thumbs up and left with a grin.

So, the teacher was also rooting for them, huh? Great.

With a small smirk on his face, Max held Kate's palm again.

Narrowing her eyes, she placed the sapling on top of the shelf beside her and brushed off his hold.

Before she could leave, he grabbed her wrist and tugged it. Her back crashed against his chest and he enclosed her waist in his arms.

The tight hug released a calm energy in him. With a sigh, he nuzzled her neck, inhaling the scent he had fallen in love with.

Her scent; unique and tempting, was a mix of wet soil and fresh grass.

He couldn't get enough of it and inhaled some more. Placing a soft kiss on the crook of her neck, he rested his head against her back.

"Stop sniffing me," she said and pushed him away by hitting his stomach with her elbow.

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