Bonus Episode 5 - Mate👽

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"His heartbeat, it spiked
as he walked towards her.
His eyes, they shone
brighter than the thousand lit
when he finally saw her.
His universe, he finally found it
when she opened those eyes
for the very first



Max never thought he could love someone the moment he laid his eyes upon them.

But since the past three months, he was proved wrong every day.

The little bundle in the cradle stared at him with doe eyes. He wondered what color they would be. It was hard to tell now, but he was excited nonetheless.

Each of her movements--be it even a babble, fascinated him.

Wrapped in a meadow green blanket, which signified the meaning of her name, Aileen was now in his arms.

He chuckled. All the tiredness of the singing practice was gone with her toothless smile.

On his left, Kate tossed slightly in sleep, mumbling. Max grinned as he clicked a picture with his cell phone.

Kate's mane fell like swirls of chocolate syrup on her vanilla-like face. God! He was hungry now.

He tried clicking another picture, smothering a chuckle but Aileen decided to intervene with her cries.

He patted her small back, her face moving against his neck. "Don't you like this angle?"

More cries.

"Let's try taking another picture of mommy."

A wail this time.

Max shushed her. "Okay, okay, no more pictures." He kept the cell aside and she stopped crying instantly.

"So, you are Team Mommy, huh?"

She babbled something. Max took it as a yes. He held her face-to-face and sat down on the bed with a smile.

"How was your day, baby? Tell me, did you miss daddy?"

She busied herself by sucking the tip of a pen from his chest pocket.

"Aileen, let's get your toys, baby." He held her with one arm and she wriggled against it. With his free hand he attempted to take out a toy, but groaned when she wriggled further.

She was getting restless. Perhaps, she was hungry. He balanced her again with one arm and she started sobbing.

"Aileen, please don't cry. Mommy is asleep, she is tired. Let her sleep. Come on, I've got your toy."

But the sobs turned into wails in less than a minute. Max rocked her, cooing in her ear, but all she gave him were her big tears and pink cheeks.

"Max?" Kate murmured, rubbing her eyes. "Hand her over to me."

"I got this, Vanilla-Cheeks." He patted the soft skin of her hand. "Go to sleep."

He rocked Aileen in his arms again, singing a tune, but she didn't like it.

Kate got up and took the little bundle in her arms. She stopped crying when she was placed on her white chest.

How could mothers do it so easily?

But that was just a term, the word easy was formed after a lot of difficulty.

The letter A still remained as a black mark of what had happened to her years ago. But now, Kate chose to replace the bad memory with Aileen's birth.

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