
51 6 20

i got tagged by my fellow swede Jaxander

1. do you have a crush?
do i? on yong junhyung yes

2. middle name?
that's my private information that i keep secret because i am not a cis boy but i can reveal that it starts with an M

3. height?
around 155 cm, i'm very short yes

4. shoe size?
like it's supposed to be 34 but my feet are wide so i have to use 36-37

5. eye colour?
poop colour

6. last time you cried?
like literally just now because my school is most likely shutting down and my dad is being a bing

(i wrote this yesterday so yeah, yesterday)

7. biggest fears?
the dark, insects, illnesses that are contagious (but i keep reading about them on wikipedia ??)

8. last song you listened to?
the last song that played when i was asleep was i know - knk but i didn't hear it

9. last person you texted?

10. favourite apps?
instagram, youtube and tumblr

i tag no one because the only people i know on wattpad already did this so (:

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