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im funny

tegd by Jaxander

warning: typos and purposely bad grammar and spelling

warning: typos and purposely bad grammar and spelling

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1. do i have a crush
i have a crush on junhyung but i may or may not have fallen for dongwoon

2. middle name
highlight stan

3. height

4. ey e colour
doork broown

5. last time i cried
can't remember - i cry too often

6. fears
no im not gonna say them again just go and look at my other tags

7. last song i listened to
cutrently listening to 'without u' by nct u
it changed to 'her' by block b

8. last person i texted
99.999999% sure it's ariiiinnfnfnf

9. favourite appppzz
the music app, tumblr, amino and youtube

i have some more tags hav funn!

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