Chapter 8: Majora Died

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You wearily rest you head against the translucent window while your mother drives down the highway, chattering about how the apartment is coming along nicely, and how she'd take you to a shopping center sometime this week for some more clothing and posters for you room. Though you really do appreciate how much your mother is trying to lift your spirits, you just couldn't take the mind off the way your parents were laying cold and lifeless on the floor. How easy this BEN character seemed to be able to manipulate your mind to his desire. How easily he could break you. How effortlessly he could kill.

"Honey, how does that sound?" You mother peers worriedly into rearview mirror, as if she's afraid you'd pass out again. "Huh?" You attempt to shake your head clear of the terrifying thoughts that constantly haunt you, managing to subside it to a dull hum.

"How about we go to Game Stop sometime?" Your mother's warm eyes flicker back to the road, though the slightly childish excitement lingers in her smile.

Ordinarily, you'd be jumping in your seat with excitement; as your parents hardly ever offer to take you to purchase video games, but ever since you received Majora's Mask from Mr. Walsh, something has made you uneasy about owning newer video games; as if something sinister lingers in them.

"Yeah, that'd be great..." You reply hesitantly, knowing that if you refused, your mom might turn the car around and drives straight back to the hospital.


"Do you need anything sweetie? Maybe a cup of hot cocoa?" Your mother peeks her head worriedly into your room, where you're watching Cry play Lucius, you shaking your head without pausing the video.

"Well, alright. Call me if you need anything. Also, don't spend to much time on your laptop. It'll give you a migraine." She comments before you hear her footsteps grow fainter.

You become so immersed in this video that you almost didn't notice Mr. Walsh's old computer booting itself up.


Reluctantly pausing the video, you slowly stagger your way to the old machine with the gruesome images becoming more and more prominent in your mind. The way your parents lay lifeless on the ground, the image of the boy who's name is BEN rising from the crimson water, the way you saw your own death in his eyes.

You inwardly groan as you see Cleverbot appearing on the screen again, muttering some very colorful words before angrily typing at the machine.

Cleverbot: I see you're back from the hospital.


Cleverbot: You wouldn't want to know.

You: Try me.

Cleverbot: You saw how I died.

Bitter shivers travel down your spine, your paranoia eventually getting the better of you ; causing you to check over your shoulders every few seconds.

You: ...Are you BEN?

Cleverbot: Yes. And now I want you dead.

In that moment, the whole computers crashes; as if someone had sent a virus into the core of the machine it's self. You could't care less though, the haunting images of seeing BEN die, searing into your mind. How scared he had been. How cruel those bullies were. How they drove him insane with hatred. The way he looked at you, as if saying he would not be satisfied until the whole world burned down in flames.

After taking several long moments to recollect your mind, you drop your head absolutely drained of all energy. Staring numbly at the Majora Mask cartridge, unable to form any other thought. Sighing in utter defeat, you pull yourself onto the bed and let you eyes fall shut; when suddenly, you recall the two files saved previously on your game. BEN. Drowned.

"Crap..." You mutter as you bolt from you bed, grabbing the Majora cartridge and crashing out the door, gritting your teeth as you sprint down the streets.

The massive mob of people mutter unpleasant names directed at you as your shove them out of your way, not caring at the moment if your being extremely rude. The only thing set on your mind is getting to Mr. Walsh's house as quickly as possible.

Digging your heel as best as you can into the cement, you push your self even faster once you reach the street that he lives on; forcing your self to go faster, your breath become more rugged and short by the second.


O-Oh no...Not again... Your whole body becomes paralyzed with fear as the unfortunately familiar bloody red sky, the endlessly black moon and pictured of death and destruction paint what's over your head. The charcoal black ground almost crumbles underneath your weight, forcing you to take one step in front of you at a time, soon arriving at Mr. Walsh's house to your surprise.

W-What's going on? You think while cowering away in fear, dreading the disturbing images that await you.

Horrifying screams erupt from all around you, piercing your ear drums so much that you feel a warm substance dripping down the side of you face. That simply cannot compare to what you are going to witness though.

You see Mr. Walsh, scrambling in pure terror out of his house as if something sinister was following him; something worse than death. What seems to be a frayed Internet cord wraps around Mr. Walsh's ankle, slamming him roughly into the charcoal colored ground, somewhere deep in your mind being surprised he didn't fall through to...wherever.

BEN saunters out of the house with an absolute insane expression. Gleefully looking down at the older man, as if taking pleasure in the man's suffering.

"B-Ben...Please don't do this...Tell your grandfather what happened..." Your eyes widen in shock at the whimpering Mr. Walsh. Seeing the bright blue eyes BEN had once possessed.

"You want to know what happened, gramps? Let me tell you what happened. I am dead. Gone. Finito. They drowned me in the river. I screamed for help, but no one came. No one helped me. They walked by and shunned me away as if I was worthless. Well now I'm back, and better than ever. I'm going to burn the world down in flames. I'll kill everyone. Starting with you." He grins demonically at Mr. Walsh before other thick wires wrap around Mr. Walsh's wrists, neck, legs, and feet. Then with a mocking wave, the cords pull the old man's limbs into severed pieces; his blood panting the ground in a distinct pattern.To your horror, it reads;

"Now it's your turn. You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?" Your head snaps up in time to see BEN snicker insanely before this horrifying dimension crumbles away.


You stare in utter confusion at the happy-go-lucky looking family who occupies Mr. Walsh's house. Rubbing your eyes wearily to make sure you aren't hallucinating, but sure enough, they're still there. A family composed of a mother, father, a little boy and a little girl. Shaking your head in disbelief, you walk up to the kind looking mother, forcing yourself to smile at her.

"Excuse me mam', but do you know where Mr. Walsh is?"

"Hmmm, I believe that was the previous owner before he passed away of a heart attack. I'm sorry dear, perhaps it is a different Mr. Walsh you are speaking of?" Her eyes clearly look worried, but she smiles warmly anyways.

"Y-Yeah, that must be it. Sorry for disturbing you." You wave weakly before walking away, your mind uncomprehending how this is possible.


You plop onto your bed in utter defeat, giving up trying to make sense of this horrible nightmare that you seem to be living in. The depression become more severe by day, the paranoia keeping you from sleeping. Forcing yourself to slowly lose common sense, becoming irrational and...insane. You had thrown out the cartridge in a fit of terror, the thought of getting rid of that thing bringing an odd sense of relief.

Just when you are about to drift of the what seems to be the first night of peaceful sleep in what feels like years, your hear the familiar sound of the Song of Healing, only being played backwards.

Sighing, you flutter open your eyes. To your absolute horror, the cartridge you had thought you threw out, was sitting almost mockingly in the Nintendo 64. Which you definitely did not set up. With wide eyes, you very slowly let your gaze travel towards to the TV screen, to see the familiar insane red orbs, the messy blonde hair dripping with blood, the acidic black substance pouring from his eyes, and your death painted so clearly in your mind.


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