Chapter 4: The Cartridge

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Honey! Could you pick up a few more things for me?" You mother calls while you are in the midst of playing Bioshock Infinite; Burial at Sea.

"Yeah, sure! Just give me a minute!" You replied, still immersed in the amazing graphics of this addicting game, your mind solely focused on defeating the strange mechanical creature that guards the little girl that Dewitt and Elizabeth are attempting to obtain. Unfortunately for you, your mother knows you far too well, soundlessly sneaking up behind you and quickly shutting down the PS4 before you can react.

"Mom! You didn't even let me save the game!" You cried out, looking thoroughly exasperated as you had almost had the protective machine on his knees.

"You know you've already spent to much time on this, Missy. Now here's the list, some money and out you go!" Your mum replies, shooing you out of the apartment while rolling her warm eyes at you.

Sighing in defeat, as you have been already pushed out the door with the elegantly written note and again, 30 dollars, you take the relatively new looking elevator down to the posh main floor, waving at Mr. Richardson; the quiet but kind doorman as you walk onto the bustling streets once more. Deciding that calling this the city that never sleeps, is an understatement.

You slowly let your lovely eyes wander around the beautiful skyline the city offers, watching in utter fascination as the brilliant lights flash before your eyes; the ever changing colors blurring with each other to create seemingly a never ending rainbow. The sights never seem to cease to leave you in awe, blending in with the lively music to create an almost trance like feeling. Suddenly, a shoulder bump into your arm; quickly turning around to apologize profusely to whoever this may be before they may yell at you, but the words become caught in your mouth as your orbs light up with surprise.

"Mr. Walsh!" You announce, wondering what are the odds of bumping into the same old man in the heart of New York city. "Well, well! Isn't it _____! How are you doing, my dear?" He replies, smiling heartily at you, though the mischievous twinkle in his eyes makes you wonder what sort of childish, devious pranks he must be conjuring in his mind.

"Good! I'm just looking for a few more supplies." You state, showing him the list your mother had made for you. "Well dear, you're in luck again! I can give you all of these items for free, if you help me unload a few packages from my garage." He chuckles slightly to himself, as if this were some sort of inside joke.

"Awesome! I'll be glad to help!" You respond, before walking beside the strangely energetic old man; chattering about the most random of things. From the best restaurants in the city, to why the sky is blue.


"My, how you youngsters have so much strength; it boggles my old mind." He laughs merrily, shaking his head playfully.

"It really wasn't that heavy." While your hands rest on your hips, clearly looking exhausted from moving the numerous boxes that are stacked neatly on his front lawn.

"You're kidding no one, my dear." He comments while attempting to wink again "But here is all the items you need for your mother, child!"

"Thank you! But I was just wondering...are you a gamer sir?" Your facial expression looking oddly curious as he carefully shifts the brown paper bag into your arms. "Why, yes! How did you know?"

"Well, there were quite a few game cartridges in the boxes I was moving." "Oh." He chuckles slightly, a rather peculiar looking glint surfacing into his impossibly eyes. "_____, may I safely assume that you are one too?"

"Well, I suppose." You reply, inwardly feeling proud about this achievement. "Wait right here! I'll be back with something..." He announces before almost sprinting to his garage, rummaging through a plastic box, grabbing what appears to be a Nintendo 64 cartridge.

"Here you go my dear, and be very, very careful with this game. It can become glitchy at times and quite ... anomalous." He articulates in an eerie voice, while very slowly pressing it into the palm of your hand, letting your slim fingers curl around the cartridge.

You immediately bring the cartridge to your face, examining the smooth plastic, the piece of tape stuck clumsily across the logo of Majora's Mask that seems to be strangely enough, engraved in the plastic, and the faint outline of sharpie more or less spelling out the name BEN.

"Oh wow, well thank you Mr. Walsh, or should I say Ben." You beam at the older man, quickly dismissing the ominous feeling in the pit of your stomach; the excitement of reeving a new game clouding your judgement.

"No, thank you dear..." He whispers, the sound of his voice becoming lost in the cool wind as he watches you walk away with the new found game in your hands.

Just A Glitch:Ben DrownedWhere stories live. Discover now