Chapter 1 Run Away

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My blonde hair slick with mud, rain and sweat stick to my fore head and cheeks as I run through the forest. I have been running for days and, the pain in my head is more prominent than ever. My inner wolf is growling to come out, but I will not let her; she keeps asking although she knows that I will not give in. I have only shifted into my wolf form once and it wast the most painful memory of my life.

In my old pack, I had always been the low life scum of the pack and had been beaten and starved for 18 years. My mother had been a caring mom, but she had died protecting my little brother Eric and I. You see, my father had been best friends with Alpha Cedar and one day they had gotten into a big fight. That night, he rallied up some troops to attack us. Just when I was about to go to sleep I heard a growl outside my window, before I knew what was happening Daddy was in my bedroom slamming the window shut.

Eric and I were scared when I started to cry, Mama came into our room and comforted us. I had no idea what was going on, until Mama pushed Eric out of the way as a big, grey wolf sank it's canines into my mother's scruff. Suddenly a big russet coloured wolf pushed the grey wolf off of mother's non-moving body. Daddy was taken hostage from the pack and I never saw him again.

About a year after he was kidnapped, Eric went to work for Cedar; when he came back the next morning he was completely brainwashed. His eyes were the same amber colour, but his expression was dark all the time. He then became the Omega in which we call the second in command. In actual animal packs, the Omegas would be the under dogs, but not here...

All of a sudden, my wolf growled making it hard to run. I stop and sit on an old log for a break. 'Oh, what is it?' I ask her silently she replied with a growl 'Grr... I smell a different pack, we are in a different territory, we could be kidnapped, taken hostage or worse. It is not right for us to be here in another packs territory we could also be killed for trespassing without permission. ' she said. Out of the thick green bush beside me, a tall, black werewolf jumps out scaring me. There was a bright blue flash and where the black wolf had stood a minute ago, a young man was standing in it's place.

He had black tousled hair and tanned skin. His muscles were toned from running and he was quite tall. Before my wolf could say anything, I blocked her out. Even though I could not hear what she was saying, I could feel that she was calmed by his presence. I recognized his scent a bit, but I soon realized that I could not pin-point who he was, bu that I had known him when we were younger.

He continues to come closer until we are almost touching foreheads. His breath feels hot against my cold, wet cheeks. The hair on the back of my neck sticks on end from fear of what this wolf will do to me. When he exhales, the breath makes my cheeks burn as the redden slightly. Then, he says the one name that I never thought that I would here him say...

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