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"Mate." Jay said, I just stood there too stunned to speak. I want to hug him, but I know that the first thing that I want him to do is to mark me. Marking the mate means the male mate finds the sweet spot (the spot that he will mark) and bring his canines out biting into her flesh. It is supposed to be a little painful, but then, if one of the mates gets hurt, the other one can give some of their own strength to their mate. If that makes any sense. I stroke Jay's cheek gently leaning my mouth next to his ear with my sweet spot next to his mouth.

"Jay, you need to mark me." I say he nods and sinks his canines into my shoulder. It hurts pretty badly, but then it soon turns to pleasure when I see how it helps Jay. His eyes are no longer white and glazed over with pain, but are his normal, handsome emerald green eyes instead. I know that he will be alright when he kisses my lips gently.

"I love you baby," he says as he falls asleep again. Kissing his temple I leave to go have a shower.

When I get out, I get dressed so that I can go for a short run. I pull a light green t-shirt on as well as small running shorts that hug me in all the right places. Then, I go and check on Jay and he is sound asleep on his bed. After that, I walk out of the Pack House while I did, Lyle the Omega of Star Pack waved me over. I walk over to the training centre where the young man was, he then grabbed me by my wrist and brought me into the Centre.

"Sandi," he murmured gently pushing me against the wall. He started kissing me on my neck and face until I kicked him as hard as I could screaming for help.

*************Jay's POV**************

Mate needs us! My wolf said growling, then I heard something that enraged me so much I did something that I would regret.

"Ahhhhh!" I could hear my mate screaming from the training centre. She said that she was going to go for a run. I took off towards my mate shifting into my wolf and in a blue flash my tan skin had become bristled by hair. My nose had grown bigger resulting into a snout along with my joints and bones popping to become more wolf-like. Then after, I tore off into the woods.

*************Sandi's POV************

I screamed and I probably shouldn't have because there was Jay, the second my wolf had mind linked his and told him hat we were in trouble. Lyle was lying on the ground groaning holding his stomach since instead of kicking him, I kneed him in the stomach. Jay growled at Lyle who stood up in fear, I don't know why he all of a sudden surrendered especially to Jay.

"What's going on here?!" Jay asked him lifting the 5'6 man off of the floor. Lyle held his hand up in surrender to Jay showing no signs of wanting to fight. Putting Lyle down, he advanced on me and started screaming."Sandi, how dare you?! I was just on the verge of getting better and you just scream making Lyle look like he was the one that screwed up! Wow, get the hell out!"

Running to the boarder of Star Pack's boundaries, I know that I have to get out. While I run I focus on shifting as well and my wolf comes out. Without thinking, I keep running but I tripped on a tree root twisting my left foreleg falling. I wrap it and continue running and by some freak of nature, I run into a pack of werewolves, horse-shifters, shape shifters, witches, centaurs, pegasi, dragons and wizards.

There was a pure white alicorn standing on a rock watching over that herd. He looked like a horse shifter and smelled like one too! I suddenly felt a pang of guilt from running so I sat down, I was so tired from running that I didn't hear the large stallion coming up behind me. When I turned around, I saw the white alicorn ready to deliver my death blow but oddly stops. He looks at me and shifts into his human form.

He is beautiful with his light blonde hair flowing behind him. He almost looks beautiful enough to be an angel he looks at me dumbfounded like I am some kind of alien. I choke out a small 'hi' before he wraps me in one of the biggest hugs that I have ever had.

"What was that for?" I ask the man.

"Sorry, my name is Aiden and this is my new mate Gwen. I have missed you my darling, I am your father." Wait WHAT?! Did he just say what I thought he did?! What's going on? I don't understand, Daddy was killed and Mommy died! This new mate looks kind and almost as loving as Momma. I hope that they accept me into their herd, I have missed my parents thinking that they were both dead.

"Daddy!" I choke out before sobbing into his chest. His eyes were weathered and wrinkled slightly. I think that I know what he is about to say, but I just don't know what is going on. Gwen puts her arm around me leading me to the Herd House. She leads me up two flights of stairs then she shows me where everything is, but I only see about half of it because I am thinking about Jay again. I push the thought of him away when she shows me my new room. By the way, she said that it used to be a guest room. I am supposed to get changed and then I need to meet Daddy back at the rock to be introduced to the herd. I don't have many choices of clothes, but I do have some clothes at least. I choose a black halter top with a pair of faded and ripped jeans, while I clean my hair up pulling it back to form a Dutch braid in the back. I love the way I look, now is time to meet the herd.

When I get to the point, Daddy grasps his hand while he intertwines his finger along with mine. Giving me a golden necklace as he knows silver is poisonous to us shifters and werewolves he tells me something that I did not see coming.

"When you wear this necklace, I know that you will end up changing into a horse instead of you changing into your wolf. I wanted you to have this so you would have the powers of both your mother and I. I love you sweetheart." He says lovingly.

Lifting my hand up for the whole herd to see, he yells in his Alpha voice.

"Dark Horse Herd, your future LUNA!!"

A/N I know, I know, I have not been posting much, but this is a nice long chapter for you if I can get five votes for this chapter within a week and let's go for ten comments. Also IIEvonnaII has been given a character btw so didn't even see this plot twist until like 10:30 at night! Please, it would mean a lot to me if y'all would vote, comment and tell your friends. <3 y'all!!


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