Chapter 2 Where am I?

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'Sandi West?! Is that you?" he asked, his emerald green eyes flash with excitement. Hold on a sec... Did he just say my name? Still in shock, I nod my head wearily, I think that I know this wolf, I only know one wolf with tousled black hair, and bronze skin.

"Jay Jackson, is that you?" I ask him still partially in shock. He nods and opens his arms to give me a hug, I rush into them feeling my best friend again.Feeling a flash of pain, I sit back down on the log again and Jay looks at me with concern. Being with Jay again made me smile before I slipped into my world of darkness.

The next thing I know, is Jay crying for me to get up I sit up and right away, I get dizzy and I have to lay back down again. I notice that my surroundings are much more different. Instead of the dark dense forest I am in a room. The room is painted pink with orange, red and yellow Hibiscus flowers speckling the walls and ceiling. I see a peach coloured lamp on the bedside table and I smile. Peach is my favourite colour, how can Jay still remember that?

"Jay, how long was I out?" I ask him scared for the answer.

"Since yesterday, do you need anything? Maybe some water?" he asks trying to be helpful. Lifting my head, I feel like I had been his by a freight train forty times!

"Yes if you wouldn't mind," I say not wanting to be rude.

"Sure,"Jay said. I know I can always count on him to help me out.

When he returns with a crystal glass of water, I prop myself up with a pillow. Taking the glass, I sip slowly, not wanting to upset my stomach. The room is much more clearer and I can see the murals painted on the one wall. The mural is of a sunset in Hawaii,The calm waves make the painting look more realistic.

Slowly, I lay my head back down and drift off again. When I wake up, I see the same room, but Jay is not there. I look on the bedside table, there is a piece of paper with a note scribbled on it. It said...

Hey Sandi,

Just went to the store to get us some food, if you want, there is some fruit in the kitchen. I am going to get your favourite foods. I will be back around 1:30 pm see you later,Sandi

From Jay

I went downstairs and I find some peaches, apples, and some chopped up water melon. I take some of the fruit back upstairs and I read one of the book on the shelf. There are so many books, I swear to God that there is at least a wall that is covered in books. There are books about painting, bird watching and even hunting all by yourself. I pick up a book that is called Beauty and the Beast. I have never been allowed to read cool books like this, when I finish the last page of the book, I hear a door shut. Jay's home I think in an instant I am out of bed and rushing down the stairs.

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