Lock You Up

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*Charli's POV*

I finally get to go on my first tour in the Untied States. Well, it's not exactly 'my' tour. I'm opening for an amazing artist called Marina and the Diamonds. I'm meeting her for the first time today. I'll be honest, I'm really quite nervous. What if she doesn't like me? But otherwise I'm super ultra excited. What if she really does like me? I can already see us doing a duet.

The driver pulls up in front of the large building where I'm meeting Marina. I pay the driver and get out of the car. He drives away and I start to get anxiety. Now I'm more nervous than I am excited. I take a minute to think myself through it and finally go through the front doors. Wow, that was a big step, not. Sometimes I really hate myself, having anxiety and depression really sucks.

Lately it's all been worse. I have a disgusting boyfriend that only cares about one thing to do with me, and it's not a good one. My first album comes out in two weeks, that's gives me something to look forward to. The song I did with Icona Pop is doing very well, but not many people credit me. I am the one who wrote it. Meeting Marina and going on tour with her is another thing to look forward to, but it will only work out if we get along.

I stand in the lobby trying to work up my confidence, just to get in the elevator to get up to the floor where her room is. I press the button and wait very patiently. An elderly couple step out and I move out of their way. I walk into the elevator and two other men in black suits walk in and stand next to me. I sorta feel like they're my bodyguards. The doors close and I choose the number of the floor Marina had texted me.

The doors open and I walk out. I walk down the hall until I get to her room. I see a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on her door. I start to get nervous and wonder if I should even knock. Should I text her or just go ahead and knock. Before my mind even makes a decision my hand begins knocking on the heavy door. I stop and instantly regret it for some reason. I wait not even twenty seconds and she opens the door. Wow, she is stunning. She comes closer and hugs me tight before I can even get a good look at her. She hugs me tight, like it means something. Not like the lousy hugs I get from my boyfriend, I don't even like to call him that. I hug her back and the hug last a long time, well a lot longer than what I'm used to.

She steps back and pulls me into the room and closes the door. "What's wrong? Sorry, I could just tell by the look on your face and the way you hugged me." She says. Woah, she's good. "I'm fine." I lie. I just met her not three minutes ago. "No you aren't. I know we just met, but I want to know so I can make you feel better." She grabs my hand and we sit down on the sofa. "You probably don't want to deal with all my problems." I say and keep my eyes looking down at my lap. I can't look at her or I'll be vulnerable. She grabs my chin and moves my face up so I look at her. She is so beautiful. It's really strange, but I think I have an attraction towards her. "Please talk to me Charli." She says. I see the sadness grow in her eyes.

Not ten minutes ago I had just met her and I already feel really close to her. I think it over quickly and decide to open up to her. "So, my boyfriend, well I don't even want to call him that. He.. He.. He is a real dick and all he wants is one thing, and it's not good. He doesn't care about me and when I don't do what he wants he threatens me.. Or sometimes he even... He... Umm.. Hurts me." Tears fall from my eyes. Great, just what I wanted my first impression on Marina to be. She pulls me into a comforting hug. I continue crying softly and she rubs my back up and down. I haven't felt this comforted or loved in a long time, it feels really good.

Marina comforts me and talks with me, letting me get all my locked up emotions out. "I love you Charli. I'm going to help you through this. You're not going to break up with him, we are." She says. I smile, but this time a real smile, something that hasn't come around in a very long time. She makes me feel good and forget about all the bad. I want to lock her up inside my heart.

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