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*Marina's POV*

I get on the plane before anybody else. They have already shipped all my things for tour to New York where it all kicks off. All I have are my personal items and myself.

I'm not sure where Charli is supposed to be sitting. I'm pretty sure she is on this same plane. We had to be separated when we got to the airport. She is probably sitting inside there waiting for them to say she can finally board the airplane.

I notice a few people getting on around me. Finding their seats. Being usual annoying human beings. I sit up and look around for Charli. She has not got on yet. I sit back in my seat and wait, hoping she will sit next to me soon.

An older man takes the seat right next to me, and I'm sitting by the window. My mood drops knowing Charli won't be sitting with me.

"Hey babe." I hear from behind me. I stand up and turn around.

"Charli!" I smile and hug her over the seat. She kisses my cheek and the flight attendants voice rings about the airplane. I'm forced to sit back down and wait for the plane to take off.

Once we take off I slip my hand through the cracks between the seats and wait for Charli to notice and grab my hand. She does quickly and I smile.

I continue to read my book. I look over to see the man next to me sleeping, and snoring quite annoyingly.

*Charli's POV*

I look up from my songbook - where I have been already writing my next album - to see Marina reaching her hand through the seat. I smile at how adorable she is and quickly grab her hand.

I continue writing this song with my left hand. I quickly finish and mark the pages where the song is. I close the book and put it Marina's hand and take mine back. I call the song Need Ur Luv.

*Marina's POV*

She put a book in my hand. I bring it through the seats and look at the pink sparkly cover with a bunch of cute stickers all over it. I look at it for a few seconds before I realize it's her song book. Oh my god, this probably holds some genius ideas.

I open it up where it's marked. I look at the title scribbled in cute hand writing. Need Ur Luv. I read the lyrics silently to myself, smiling as I do.

*Charli's POV*

Marina hands the book back to me and lifts her head above the seat. "That's a cute song." She smiles.

"Thanks!" I smile back and tuck the book away in my backpack. Marina sits back down and everything seems pretty quiet except for a crying baby a few rows back.

"Excuse me?" The woman sitting next to me asks.


"Is that your friend in that seat right there?" She asks and points to Marina's seat.

"Uhhh yes."

"Well that's my husband sitting next to her, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind switching him so we could sit together."

"Actually, that would be great." I smile. She notifies her husband to get up and move while I pack everything up again. We make a quick exchange. I plop down in the seat next to Marina. She has her headphones on and her eyes closed, but I know she isn't asleep. I get all my things settled then stare at the beauty for a moment. I quickly wrap my arms around her the best I can and her reaction was the best thing I've seen all week.

"I thought you were that man! It terrified me!" She puts her hand over her heart and takes deep breaths.

"I'm sorry, I switched seats! Now I get to sit by you!" I say excitedly and hug her again. This time she hugs me back and kisses the top of my head.

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