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*Marina's POV*

It's been a week since Charli has been staying with me. I haven't been happier than when she is in my arms. I never expected to find love in a girl, but sometimes the tables are turned and the most unexpected things happen to us. Like Charli coming into my life the way she did. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, but I do plan on it.

We have only been on two dates, but we sleep in the same bed already. I don't want to take things to fast, because - trust me, I've been through it - it doesn't usually work out. I have let people get way to far with me way to fast and they realize they got what they wanted and they're gone.

I lay next to her in bed thinking of ways to ask her to be my girlfriend. I want so bad to make us official. I could give her flowers? or take her out to a fancy restaurant? or I could make it simple and just ask her? or maybe I could take her to a cool place to watch the sunset? I start to fall asleep so I move my body closer to hers and wrap my arms around her.


I wake up before Charli and make myself a cup of tea. I call a five star restaurant and make reservation for tonight. I'm going to take Charli out on a date and this time I will make us official. I make sure everything is planned out perfectly.

I want it to be amazing for Charli, she deserves it. She has been through a hard time lately and needs good support. I have to make sure she knows I love her and care about her. She still gets scared and she has her walls built up pretty high, but for some reason she has let me in. She blocks out every other person who tries to get to know her, but it was so easy for me. I think she trusts me with her heart. Which hasn't always been a good thing in the past. But I promised myself to never break Charli's fragile heart.

*Charli's POV*

I wake up alone in Marina's bed. I worry for a second until I hear a noise from the kitchen. A smile crosses my face when I know it's Marina and I will be embraced in her comforting arms soon. I hurry out of bed and into the kitchen where Marina stands reading her mail.

I wrap my arms around her tiny waist from behind. She turns around to hug me. Her body is so comforting. I burry my face in her hair. I take in her scent of vanilla, so sweet. I look up and my brown eyes meet hers. I lean in and kiss her amazing soft lips.

"Good morning!" She smiles.

"Morning!" I kiss her again.

"Would you like some breakfast?" she asks.

"Sure." I smile.

I admire her as she makes two pieces of toast and some eggs. I'm so in love with her. I really have no idea why I've people say heard she is a bit mean. All she has been to me is sweet and caring. She is also very funny, which I love.

She gets out two plates, puts the food on them, then joins me at her small table.

"So I planned us a little date tonight..." she smiles widely revealing her adorable dimples.

"Ooh, where?"


"Well that doesn't tell me anything." I laugh.

She looks at me with her beautiful eyes and puts her hand over mine.

"Don't worry about it." She smirks at me. She stands up and goes back into her bedroom.

I get up and take our plates to the dishwasher. I finish loading the dishwasher with our many dirty dishes and start it. I clean up around the kitchen making it look decent. One thing about Marina is that she is a bit lazy. I finish cleaning so I walk down the hall and into her bedroom.

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