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Alex took a deep breath, pulling himself into a sitting position on the edge of his bed.That wasn't really a nightmare. A bit unsettling maybe. Nightmare? No.

He didn't know what it was, really. He was having the weirdest dreams lately. He considered writing it down, before mentally scratching that idea before yawning and actually scratching his back.

What's one more bad dream?

Since Alex could remember, he had strange dreams. Usually they were bad, sometimes they were good- but regardless of their alignment, most were prophetic. A foreshadowing of what was to come. It never became less unsettling.

Bzzzzzzzzzz. Bzzz.

The sleepy boy weighed the pros and cons before sliding the green button.


Therapy isn't any better than it usually was. Dr. Dawson was understanding, all bright smiles and kind words. But he could never truly understand.

This wasn't a "gift", it was a curse and a burden. He had told him- and his receptionist -every day.

Zack was nice too. He didn't talk much, which was refreshing. Not that he didn't like when people talked, it's when people expected him to respond that he got anxious.

"Any new ones, Alex?" Rian, whom Alex was on a first name basis with now, already knew the answer; furrowing his eyebrows, twiddling his pen between two fingers. They sat in a small room, smelled like lavender.

Alex closed his eyes and nodded.

"Brown eyes" He whispered, before continuing. "Ones much, much lighter than the other one. But both brown."

Rian nods silently so as not to interrupt.

"Maybe ones beige, and ones cherry wood" He considered, mostly to himself.

"Is that all that was there this time?"

"No" he admitted, "but I can't remember the rest"


Monday hit Alex like a freight train. 

"Darnit" he murmured to himself, his alarm blaring.


School is so shaky. And Alex thought he had been tired before!

He sighed dramatically, producing an obscene stack of textbooks from his locker. It's a good thing they had a no tolerance bullying policy because Alex felt he just might be the perfect candidate to fall prey to a bored jock or honestly whoever else.

Besides the occasional requests for Alex to "see into their future", the easily irritated and emotionally aloof boy was left alone.

Oddly enough, not being the world's most observant individual; he noticed something strange. The locker to the left of him suddenly had a lock. Alex peered through as best he could, concluding it was indeed in use. Weird because he specifically chose this locker because it was near no one else's, no one liked these lockers so he was always alone. Until now, he guesses!

He lets out one last dramatic groan beforehand​ he heads to science.

Alex got to Mr. Witticks 3rd explanation of intergalactic black matter before-

He'd never been in this part of the library before, the pages smelled like vanilla and one of the books looked anywhere near new. He stumbled and tripped over mounds of literature, as careful as he could, nervous to rip and tear.

He got to a point of the store where the sunlight came boldly through the curtains, stark contrast to the rest of the dimly lit building. He opened the only book on the third shelf, still coming apart in his careful hands.

The authors note was just a set of eyes.

"Ones beige ones mocha" he muttered softly to himself, upon waking.

"Welcome back, Mr. Gaskarth" Mr. Wittick spoke. "Did you dream of detention?"

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