Chapter 16

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3rd person's POV...

"So you're grandma is now fine hyung?" Asked Wonwoo, taking off his cap to feel more comfortable.

"Anyway Coups. Are you sure it's okay to leave those two alone at the dorm?" Jeonghan threw a questioning look at S.Coups who was busy listening to his members' demands.

"Why'd you ask?"

"I'm just a little worried. Do you think we still have a dorm to return to?" -JH

"Hyung, Dino will never forgive us for this." -HS

"Don't worry. This is the perfect opportunity for them to get along with each other." S.Coups said, all relaxed and confident which was the exact opposite of what his members were feeling.

He looked at each of the members face. "You guys told me to make it up to you for attempting on going to my grandma alone and so I brought you here in this fancy resto. Or do you want to return to the dorm instead?"

When S.Coups said that, the members instantly attacked the food served to them.

At the dorm...

"Mingyu-hyung. What's for this morning?" Dino asked, letting a small yawn escape in between his breaths and walked into the kitchen only to see Jae Eun serving the food.

"Where are they?" He asked but Jae Eun just shrugged.

"Are you gonna eat?" Jae Eun asked him when he took his seat and stared at the food.

"Of course I am."

Jae Eun silently served another serving and they began to eat.

"Did Mingyu-hyung cook this? As expected of Mingyu-hyung, words can't simply describe the taste of his cookings." Dino asked as he slowly chomps the food inside his mouth, feeling every bit of luxury because food is love.

"I cooked it." Jae Eun plainly replied.

Dino's eyes rounded in surprise. "You're lying. No one in the world can copy Mingyu-hyung's recipes." He said.

"But I just did."

Soon they were exchanging electrifying gazes at each other and any moment from now the volcano is sure to explode.

"Yucks. No wonder it takes like... Like garbage." Dino suddenly threw some insult at Jae Eun and we know Jae Eun won't back down easily.

"Oh really? Then I'll take this back." Grabbing the bowl of food from Dino, Jae Eun won.

"Yah. I-I'm just joking," Dino said, stopping Jae Eun from continuing the act and made her etch a grin on her face.

"I want to hear it."

"Hear what?"

"Say that my cooking is as good as Mingyu's."

"As if..."

"Say it and I'll let go of the bowl."

"Okay fine. You're as good as Mingyu-hyung."

Contented by what Dino said, Jae Eun resumed eating with a happy heart.

When they finished eating and washing the dishes, Dino stood by the kitchen door ready to run anytime if ever something were to happen by what he is about to say now.

"Hey." He hollered out, catching Jae Eun's attention. "What I said earlier, it was merely a joke." He made a grin appear on his face when he saw Jae Eun's twisted expression. "I mean it's impossible for you to be at the same level as Mingyu-hyung." He said with his eyes closed and wore an expression as if he's some kind of genius. When he opened his eyes, Jae Eun was already ready to play flying saucer with him. Using a plate of course.

Dino then made his escape like he planned to but he missed to calculate something. He didn't thought Jae Eun would really go after him and so when that happened, he had a mental breakdown.

"You little brat." Like some action star movie, the heroin jumped into the villain and pinned him on the floor, ready to give him a taste of her power.

"Yah!!!! Don't you dare punch my face! The Carats will never forgive you if you do that." Dino pleaded as he blocked his precious face with both his arms.

"As if I'll listen to that."

When a punch was about to land on his face, the door opened and it was the members.

It took them a while to analyze the situation of the two on the floor but S.Coups was quick to catch up.

"Sorry for disturbing. Please continue." After he made a bow, he lead his members back to where they came from.

"It's not what you think it is!" Shouts Jae Eun and Dino in chorus.


"Dino, apologize for saying that and never insult anyone like that again." Instructed S.Coups.

Though against his will, Dino did what he was told. "Sorry."

"You too Jae Eun. You shouldn't punch an idol's face. Our face is our trump card. If this gets damaged, our career will be shattered." S.Coups said and points to his face.

"Coups, your exaggerating. But what he told you is true. We really take care of our figure because our future relies on it." Jeonghan added.

"Look who's talking. You just revised what I said." Complained the leader to Jeonghan.

"Fine. Dino, I am terribly sorry I almost got your..."

S.Coups could feel peace residing on the two but he was wrong because what Jae Eun was about to add will certainly awaken the demon sleeping inside the giant maknae.

"I'm sorry I almost got your ugly face uglier." Jae Eun hissed.


S.Coups immediately grabbed Dino back while Jeonghan covered Jae Eun's mouth.

"We left them so that they can get along but it seemed like we just made the condition worse," commented Woozi who is watching the show from afar.

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