Chapter 58

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"I'm glad the CEO's scolding didn't last for an hour." Vernon let out a sigh of relief as he took off his coat and hanged it.

"We're lucky." Wonwoo supplied.

The atmosphere was dry and lonely. Even the gag trio wasn't doing their thing to lighten up the mood. How could they? After all, they just lost their precious fourteenth member. The real mourning has just began.

"We should sleep, don't you think?" Suggested Seungkwan but everyone just gave him a blank stare.

"We can try that but I'm pretty sure we'll fail." Woozi told him, taking in the appearance of everyone's exhausted bodies who still chose to deny rest.

Seungcheol proceeded inside Jae Eun's room and his members gave him space and time. Taking a deep breath at the entrance, Seungcheol let his eyes roam, taking everything that was inside. The color, the things, the scent and most of all, the memories. Both the painful and happy ones. Tears flowed as Jae Eun's smiling face flashed in his head. He stepped inside the room and in front of the mirror, he opened a mini drawer. In there, he found an envelope marked with the words 'To Scoups' and he opened it without any further thoughts.


Finding yourself reading this letter could only mean one thing- I failed. I won't be with you any longer. Don't blame yourself, please. Everything that happened to me was my choice and mine alone. I am sorry for dragging you and the others into my mess. I got selfish and just couldn't go away before everything was too late. I want to thank you for looking after me, for accepting me as a member of your family you so cherish. Thank you for loving me, for showing me that even in my messed up life, I can still lead a beautiful life full of smiles and laughter. I just regret one thing. I regret that until now, I still didn't give you your morning kiss. I feel really stupid. I should've gave you that. Really sorry. Anyway, it's okay to cry and to be sad but don't worry. The pain will go away. So please, I'll ask you one last selfish request. Once you face me again, please smile. I love you and tell the others I love them, too.

-You're sassy girl,
Jae Eun

Seungcheol's entire world crumbled down. He was faced with the reality he had been denying until now.

"No, please. Don't leave me Jae Eun!" He screamed in pain as he desperately crawled his way to the door after falling to his knees, reaching out his hand as if he was seeing Jae Eun walking away. But his vision wasn't able to last long. Haziness and black spots corrupted his vision and soon, he was thrown to the world of unconsciousness.

The members came rushing in, panick taking control over their minds when they saw their leader on the floor, looking so pale and sick.

"Fever." Jeonghan declared the moment his palm made contact with Seungcheol's forehead.

"Mingyu, get a basin of lukewarm water. Jun, towels. The rest, please prepare his room." Joshua instructed and some scooted out while some remained in the room.

"His temperature is too high. Let's take him to the hospital." Wonwoo suggested but Woozi went against it.

"Scoups has always been like this. Whenever his emotions fall out of balance, he would have high fevers but never was he taken to a hospital. He's condition will only get worse if we do that." Woozi paused as he brushed aside Seungcheol's wet hair that stuck to his forehead. "Let's just support him in any way we can. One little push and he'll fall off the cliff." He added.

They transferred Seungcheol to a more comfortable place and gave him the necessary aid. For hours, the members solemnly gathered around their leader, tirelessly watching his labored breathing and patiently waited for him to regain consciousness. Then the dreadful silence was disrupted by a sudden phone call. Mingyu, who was the one nearest to the sound, fumbled over Seungcheol's pockets. He stared at the screen for a while before flipping it around to let the other members see who was calling.

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