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Annalie POV

Everyone crowded around me when I arrived at school today. I wore a short blue dress and had on a little makeup. To hide away my scars and my exhaustion. I told them that I had a flu. Surprisingly, they all believed. All except Scarlette and Dave.

'A flu, huh?', Dave asked suspiciously, munching on a fry, while Scarlette was giving me death glares. I chose to ignore her.

'Yup', I say, popping the ''p''.

'And you expect me to believe that? After enduring you for five years?', he asks, sauce all over his face. I shrug innocently. 'Annalie Jackson', Scarlette says, glaring, 'if you try to---

'Hey, beautiful', a voice interrupted Scar's lecture. A very annoying voice.

I whipped my head back to see Jade standing behind me, wearing a very tight shirt and ripped jeans, holding a glass of orange juice. She was smirking at Scarlette.

'You know my boyfriend Josh, as in, your ex?', she said, cackling as if she is a witch.

Scarlette went red. She scowled at Jade.

'Yeah well', Jade continues,'I just got laid by him yesterday!'.

Oh.  Shit

I didnt dare see Scarlette's expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dave put an arm around her.

'Oh look, looks like Scarlette has gotten a new boyfriend. The geek, Dave Johns'.

'Thats enough, Jade', I say, threateningly.

'Ooh, scary!', Jade says sarcastically.

Then out of nowhere, my vision turned...orange.


I realized Jade poured orange juice on me! The nerve!

Well, I guess she should see who she's messing with.

I got up, glaring at her.She stood there laughing, twirling her stupid brown hair. I was about to punch her on the face when--


A sickening sound of metal coming in contact with a skull. Everyone flinched, even me.

Jade screamed, clutching her head with her hands, falling down. As she lay there in a small pool of blood, I saw the person standing behind her, the one who hit her.

With a steel water bottle. 

'Allen?', I whispered.

He looked at me blankly and walked away.

A few boys ran to call the nuse while some tried to carry her.

I slumped to the ground, staring at my hands.

What just happened?

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