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Allen POV

What just happened?

Oh, I know. I probably blew up my scholarship.

After an hour of sitting in the principals office, dad picked me up. I got suspended for 3 days, starting tommorrow. The drive to home was awkward and silent. Dad just kept his eyes on the road, he didnt even on the radio. And he was a person who listened to the radio regardless whats happening around him. After dad parked in the usual spot, I made my way to our small house.

Our house was a two floor house. Small but enough for the four of us: Mom, Dad, my elder sister Alice, and I.

The ground floor had a living room, kitchen and one bedroom with an attached bathroom. This room was mine. Above there were two rooms, and a tiny closet. 

The door was open and i got in, going straight to my room. Alice was sitting on the couch, watching some TV show.

Alice was a different kind of a sister. She never even talks to me, but that doesnt mean she's mean. She does my laundry if I'm sick, or volunteers to take me to the hospital, prepares light food etc.

But she is not a sister for me. A distant friend. Dad and Mom have night shifts on Saturdays. Which means Alice brings a guy to the house. I act as if I dont mind, but I do.

Especially when she brings a new guy every Saturday.

I take a quick shower, put on an old pair of jeans and a hoodie, and come out to find Dad and Mom on the dining table. I go stand in front of them,looking down.

I hear mom sobbing.


'Allen, look at me!', she says, sounding wired and tensed.

I look at her. She looks angry, with a few drops of tears on her face.'Do you have any idea', she says,'how hard it was for daddy to get you this scholarship?'.


'You were our hope. Your sister is as good as dead', Mom says.

Alice snorts.

Mom ignores her.'We thought we could trust you'.

I sigh.'Sorry mom', I say, looking down at my feet.

She takes hold of my arm, bringing me closer to her. I hug her tightly. 

'Promise me', she whispers,'that you will never get in trouble again'.

'I promise', I say, looking at dad.

He had a smile on his face.

'Oh I forgot', Mom exclaims,'Nadine called'.

'What did she say', I ask eagerly.

Mom shook her head.

'She just told me to tell you to call her'.

I nod my head and rush to my room. I take my phone and dial her new number. Its as if I know her number by heart.

'Hello Allen?', Nadine says, taking the call on the first ring itself.

'Hey, princess. You called?', I ask, lying down on my bed.

'I have news', was her reply.

'You are finally pregnant', I ask sarcastically.

She chuckles. 'Yeah right. You wish. Nope, its something else'.

'Then what is it?', I ask impatiently.

'I am coming to New York next thursday.To see you'.

I couldnt believe my ears. What ?!

'That's...so awesome!', I say, yelling the last word.

'I know.  Cant wait to see you. And your friends. Oh, your family too'.

I smile.'Yeah, you should see your future in-laws too, right'.

'Um, yes', she says, 'bye then'.

'Bye, babe. Stay safe',I say.

'I will', she whispers and cuts the line.I lie there, feeling giddy. She is coming. My Nadine is finally coming.Oh, lots of things to do. I run to Alice. There are a few things I need to buy for my lovely girlfriend.


Nadine POV

Oh I am going to New York alright, But not to see you happy, Allen.

To see you broken.

I cant wait to see you broken.


Thanks for reading guys. Please excuse any grammar errors. Please.

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