Part 3

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Laksh keeps on looking at Ragini.. Swara waves her hand before him, then he comes to the world.
Swara: wow.. Ragini, looking beautiful...
Sanskar: Yes.. You are...
Balu: I'm hungry..I want to eat anything..

The rest all laugh. Ragini feels happy with their compliments..however she waited for only laksh's sweet words..
She goes into kitchen to prepare coffee for all of them.. Swara follows her.. She observes Ragini is sad..

Swara: Ragini, don't feel bad about what laksh did.. He needs time to be friendly with new people..
Ragini: He could have atLeast treat me as human...
A tear falls from her eyes. Swara feels bad about her.
Swara: No ragu, laksh was busy in morning work. He got scoldings from boss for being lazy, that's why he is upset....
Swara wantedly said like that to make her happy.
Ragini: So,.. He is not angry on me?
Swara: not at all... You know, that idiot is very lazy, so he gets scoldings.
Swara laughs.. And along with her Ragini...

Ragini: Swara, I want to be modern like you.. Laksh like this types of girls.. So, make me as you...
Swara: no Ragini, you be yourself! We should not change for others. A person has to accept you, as you are.
Ragini: hmm..Swara speak much..

Both laugh...
Swara: You are special today... Is it for lucky?
Ragini blushes.
"I have prepared Halwa for him... He likes it much..." Says Ragini...

Swara: that's super ragu.. He likes it....
Ragini kept the Halwa bowl in hall on table..

They hear Balu and San voices.. "Wow..super halwa yar.. Very tasty.."
Swara shocks and runs towards them.. But it's too late.. Halwa bowl is empty..?

"Aww..sorry ya.. Nothing left for you and lucky.." Say sanskar giving empty bowl to her.

Swara looks at Ragini, she seems to be upset. Even laksh observes Ragini is upset..

Sanskar and Balu leave the place.. They don't observe anything.. Swara also silently leaves..

Swara goes near San and Balu..
Swara: what have you done.. Why did you eat all of it..
San: arey, we are hungry so we ate..
Balu: oo.. Are you upset that we did not left anything to you?

Swara: stop it ya.. Ragini has prepared it for Laksh..
San: laksh won't feel bad.. Ragini will prepare again for him...
Swara: yar.. Here problem is not halwa.. You shouldn't be free with laksh as before. Because..he is a married man now..he has his own family. Before you take anything from his house, you have to ask Ragini... It's better if you won't take anything.

San and Balu are silent.
Swara: did I say much..?

Balu: these many changes happen after marriage? Can't we be friends anymore?
Swasan are silent.

Balu: if this is going to happen, I never get married. I want my friends. Swara, Sanskar, do one thing... You both get married.. Then there won't be any problem.. !!

Swasan shock at once with his words. But later laugh to cover up the situation.

Later Ragini thinks in herself... "I couldn't have get upset. If they are laksh's friends.. Then they are my friends too.. Swara has observed that I was upset.. Don't know how she felt.."

She decides to call them for dinner.. She wanted to speak with laksh but she felt afraid. She was walking in her room, she surprised to see laksh standing at the door. He comes towards her. She bends her head.

Laksh: sorry Ragini, I was rude this morning.. I don't know why I did so...
Ragini: No problem laksh ji.. I'm not thinking about it...
Laksh: just laksh.. So....
Ragini: I want to call our friends to dinner... Can I?
Laksh feels happy with her words...
Laksh: Ragini, what did you say just now, our friends! Aww.. I'm happy.. You said them as friends. You know, my friends are important to me.. I don't want to lose them at any circumstances. I was just afraid this morning that you might be the reason for our parting.
Ragini: why, I would do that laksh.. I want you to be happy always... Because I....

She stops there and says in herself, "love you.."

Laksh: okay, I will call them and invite..
He goes to the door and says again to her, "Ragini, you are looking beautiful..." He goes away..

Ragini blushes in happiness and shy....

Laksh takes the phone and first he calls to Sanskar, "yar, come to the dinner.. Ragini is going to cook delicious food..". San wants to go but he remembers swara's words. "No lucky, actually you know, my tummy is upset. So I can't eat anything now..". Laksh tries to convince him, but no use. Later he calls to Balu.
Balu: actually, my friend has invited me already....
Laksh: who is that friend who I don't know?
Balu: ya ya you don't know him..he is my brother's neighbor's cousin's....
Balu says some stupid reason...
Balu and Sanskar are at san's house. They are planning to order pizza.
At last he calls to Swara.

Laksh: you don't say no! That sanky and Balu idiots aren't coming.. You come at least..

Swara thinks why they aren't coming? But as they aren't going she too don't wanted to go.
Swara: Laksh, wo kya hei na... Saraswati aunty's daughter is alone at dinner. So she wanted me to join her. So, I will come to dinner some other time...
Laksh: alright!!
He says and cuts the call. "He got angry.. Why those two idiots said like that!!" Thinks Swara and goes to san's house to bash them..

Laksh understands that those three wantedly doing. When Swara goes to Sanskar house, he and Balu were eating pizza.
Swara: what you guys have done. Why didn't you accept their invitation?
San: hey.. You said not to go...
Balu: ya.. You said not to take anything...

Swara: Kya yar.. But, if they called, we shouldn't say 'no'.
San: arey..koyi bath nahi.. Laksh won't miss understand.. Come fast.. Pizza is waiting...
Swara: you guys are.....

Next morning... It was turn to go in Laksh's car, but swasan and Balu leave in sanskar's car without telling to Laksh. He was amazed with their behavior. After going to office, he asks them reason for doing this.
San: actually, when we came to you this morning, we saw you are sleeping still..
Laksh: then you guys used to wake me up....
Balu: but how can we do that when your wife is around....

Sanskar stamps balu's foot. Laksh looks at them in an upset way and goes away.

Swara: stupid Balu, you don't speak when wanted. And you speak things which shouldn't be spoke...
San: haha.. Never mind... We have to cool lucky now...
Balu: hmmm... That's why, Swara.. You marry sanky.. Then, no problem in our friendship.
Swara face turns red...
Swara: shut up...

At home, Ragini is in dreams... She is thinking that Laksh is loving her.

She remembers what had happened that morning..
"While Laksh was still sleeping.. Ragini goes near him to wake up. But she goes near him, keep on looking at him affectionately. She rubs his head with her hand. When she is about to remove her hand, Laksh unknowingly hold her hand. Ragini trembles at once.
At that point of time, swasan happened to come, they see the scene.. They don't wanted to interfere.. So they go away silently.. Ragini doesn't know that they have come..
Just then Laksh wakes and sees that he is holding her hand. He suddenly leaves her hand and says, "oh..sorry Ragini, I was just dreaming that I caught a small puppy. But, it was your hand.. Hehe.."
Ragini smiles.. "

She comes out of her thoughts and says in herself, "I know that you love me Laksh..that's why, you have took my hand.. But you are too stubborn to say that. It's okay, I will tell first.."

And She prepares a beautiful greeting card for him saying, 'I love you'. She is waiting for him eagerly.

Later, in office Swara,Sanskar and Balu go near Laksh.

Swara: lucky sorry yar..actually..

Laksh: stop telling me sorries. Are we friends or anything..!!
Sanskar: we just don't wanted to come in between you... Bcz.. Ur newly married..

Laksh stood up.
Laksh: if you want our friendship to be forever, do as I say. Don't stop me whatever I do..

They three are silent.

Laksh takes them to his house. Ragini opens the door.. But he comes angrily inside.. They three silently follow him.. Ragini doesn't understand anything.


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