Part 4

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Laksh looks at everyone. They all Look at him, a slight confused what he is going to do. Laksh turns towards his friends and tells,
Laksh: our friendship has started at our 5years of age. We have been friends from 20years... Till today, we never broke up and nothing has shattered our relationship.
They three move their heads agreeing. He turns towards Ragini.

Laksh: and I never let anything or anybody would break our friendship.

Swara understands what he is going to say.
Swara: Laksh, it's nothing like that...

Laksh: what's your problem Ragini? They are my friends! They have right to take anything from here and they are allowed here anytime...

Sanskar: but lucky, Ragini never avoided us. You are just misunderstanding. We by ourselves went back.

Laksh: that's what I'm saying, her behavior is making you guys far from me. Why she need to stay close to me if I don't love her! Why she has to come into my room.. Why she has to get upset when you eat here....

Swara: stop it Laksh...

Ragini: Laksh, I was then upset. But not now. I said they are my friends too. Why I will try to make them far?
Laksh: Ragini, this is last time I'm telling you. I don't like you. And don't try to be close with me.

Ragini hurts with those words and runs into her room and locks her door. Swara feels bad.

Swara: what have you done Laksh! If our friendship is the only reason to hate Ragini,then forget my friendship. I'm not going to talk to you until you accept Ragini.

Says Swara and goes away.
Laksh: Swara...stop...

Sanskar: Swara....
And he follows her.

Laksh: hey Ragini, are you happy now! My friends have gone. This all you needed right!

He shouts. Ragini who is inside crying a lot.. "What did I do..?"

Swara sits on the steps and she will be crying. Sanskar sits beside her.

Swara: has that Laksh gone mad? Why is he doing this to Ragini? He is acting cold hearted.

Sanskar: Swara, did you remember... How Laksh is very stubborn from childhood... If he hates a thing he keep on hating it. And if he love a thing he keep on loving it whether it is right or wrong.
But he never loves something which he hate and he never hate something which he love.

Swara: that means, he keep on hating her? Why girl like innocent Ragini should be a host to such idiot!

Sanskar: I don't know that.. But we have chance to change Laksh. We have to make him realize what is Ragini to him. He has to know her importance. After all,we are his friends. We have to change our friend when he is doing the mistake.

Swara Puts her head on his shoulder.
Swara: So, what shall we do now?
Sanskar: leave everything to this sanky, he will apply plans now....

From behind, Balu: can I be the partner I this crime?

They three laugh.

Ragini tears the greeting card she prepared in frustration.
Ragini: I have showed much love on him. If he don't like me, then I will never see his face.

She thinks and sleeps...

Next morning, Laksh wake up and see Ragini's room is still closed. He goes to bath and comes. Still the door is closed.. He will be getting ready, door is not opened still..
He eats his breakfast looking at the door... He goes near the door and about to knock it. But come back.
He wears his shoes. "She used to wake up early everyday. Why not today? Is it not she...." Laksh thinking like that only, gets nervous and knocks the door.

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