Part 5

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Ragini is about to eat it. But someone knocks the door. She hears, "Ragini...." Laksh voice...

"Laksh..!" Amazes Ragini and goes to door. Kaveri tries to stop her, but she goes and opens the door. Laksh was standing before her.

Swasan Balu are coming and they amazed to see Laksh already there.
Sanskar: see, our oil-bulb plan worked out.. He really concerned about her.
Swara: ya...may be...

Laksh holds Ragini's hand and tries to take her away from there, but she pushes his hand.

Laksh: Ragini, you don't know about that lady. She wants something from you.
Ragini: don't try to fool me Laksh ji. You won't be close with me and you don't let others also to be friendly with me..??
Laksh: don't harm yourself being angry on me.. All the people know about her here. But we can't throw her away because we don't have proof for her deeds. Now, come back to home.

Then Kaveri aunty starts her drama, "hey bhagavan.. Why they are insulting me like this? What did I do?"

Laksh: hello drama aunty, please stop your plays. I know you have something mixed in that kheer..

Swara: wow...Laksh is defending Ragini... How sweet...
Sanskar: but see, Ragini is seemed not interested in him..?
Swara: ha....?

Ragini was trying to remove laksh's hand while he hold her hand tightly.

Kaveri: you are telling that I have mixed something in this kheer, now see I will eat it...

She eats the kheer, but nothing happens to her.
Ragini: Laksh ji, it's very bad to hurt others...

Laksh: oh you believe her more than me...right..! You are not going to believe me... If Swara and others say it, then will you agree this?

Ragini: Swara... Oh I completely forgot about about her. She needed my help...

Ragini is rushes to go...

Swara: oh no.. Ragini is co in back.. I have to go back.. If she sees me like this, she will be upset..

Says Swara and she too runs. While running. Swara suddenly steps on the oil and falls down. Ragini who just came there sees her that she is fell and she shouts "Swara.." And runs to her.

Sanskar and Balu runs as they hear Ragini's shout.

Laksh who is far can't listen her. He looks at Kaveri and warns her..
"Don't try to see Ragini again... I will not be good if you do anything to her.."
Kaveri simply closes her door and she feels dizzy as she ate that kheer.

Ragini: Swara, how did you fell? Why did you come out having pain?

Sanskar sees swara's condition and come near her shouting, "Swara.."

He lifts Swara with his hands and takes her to her house. Ragini is amazed to see that..

Swara will be looking at sanskar in loving way...
Balu will be cleaning the floor, so that there will not be trouble again.

Sanskar takes Swara inside and make her to lay on bed. He starts rubbing her feet. She is just looking at him in passionate way. She suddenly says, 'ouch..' In pain..then sanskar puts his hand on her cheek, telling, "hey, don't worry. You could have walked slowly..."
They both forget that Ragini is beside them.. She smiles looking at them...

Ragini: from how long you have been in love?
Swara and sanskar panics with her words.

Swara: it's nothing like that Ragini....

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