team10tea I can't believe Tessa left just cos of Brianne😩 what do you guys think of this?💔🤐
1,427 people liked this.632 comments:
team10fan I can't believe it I want Tessa more than bri #bringtessaback 😫bribaby Tessas being childish.
team10lover I hate Brianne for doing that 😔
brisbaby doing what?? Brianne did nothing wrong ? ^
team10bae who doesn't brianne think she is?? First she breaks up jalissa now causes Tessa to leave?🙄🙄🙄 #bringtessaback
briisnotbae hate Brianne wtf
jakepaulfan Brianne and Jake are cute tho
team10fan2 wtf I liked Brianne but now this? What a whore #bringtessaback
briannetheslut fuck you brianne your breaking up team 10 kys
fuckoffbrianne drink bleach wtf @brianneparis
briannethewhore rope yourself @brianneparis ☺️
briannehatepage follow me if you hate Brianne cos she's a snake ☺️❣
Poor Brianne😲 also that edit was so stressful to make lmao
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