Let Me Love You (Nick Mara FanFic)

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||Beatrix 'Trixie' Montgomery||

Hey, I'm Trixie but that's just a nickname, my real name is Beatrix. I'm 16 years old and I was born in New Jersey but have been living in London for past seven years. I'm moving back to New Jersey but not by choice, it's not even my moms choice either but it's only way we'll get away from her monster of a husband. She said we'll be living with her old friend and their family until we get settled again.

// Trixie POV \\

I was sitting in the back of a taxi, holding onto a box of belongings that my mom owned. We brought as much as we could with us to New Jersey from England and most of it was being shipped over eventually.

"Remember to be respectful to this family, okay? They are doing a lot for us! They've offered a home , a new begging, a new start , a ne-" mom says, trying to sound inspirational.

" okay I get it! " I say, sounding rather annoyed. My mom was amazing but once you got her started , you'd never get her to stop, " I wasn't going to be disrespectful and I'll try my best to be good. I know how much this means to you " wow, Trixie.. Can't get anymore cheesy sounding than that eh?

The taxi driver was raising his eyebrows at us, " problem, sir?" I ask, raising a eyebrow.

He shakes his head, not replying.

We must of reached the house because the taxi pulled over and my mom was out this car so quick,you'd swear she was Sonic the Hedgehog!

"Sorry about her! thanks so much! " Mum says, not even sounding one bit sorry but just over excited. She pays the taxi driver and hops out the car and I follow.

A woman walks out of the house that we are parked infront of us. She runs over to my mom and gives her a massive hug, "It's so good to see you!" She says, smiling as she hugs her, " This must be Trixie! Wow, you've changed a lot in seven years" she says while looking at me. I didn't do anything but smile.

My mom and her were too focused on talking that they didn't even help with the boxes or bags, " I'll take them" I tell the taxi driver as I remove the boxes and bags from the boot. I notice a pair of hands picking up a box and I look up and notice a boy, he looked about my age and was pretty hot.

"Um, my mom told me to help" he muttered as he lifts the box.

" um thanks" I say, smiling slightly as I carry the box to the front porch and he follows. He puts the box on the ground and offers his hand out to me.

" I'm Nick, Nick Mara" he says, grinning. His grin is just perfect!

I look down at his hand that he was offering. Usual boys don't exactly greet like this in England.. Or ever but it was kinda sweet, "I'm Trix-" I was about to say but he cut me off

" I know. " I raised a eyebrow, kinda confused," I'm not stalking you! It's just,um, my mom told me and um, I've met you before and you probably don't remember ! But that's fine but I remember y-" He was speaking so fast , I could barely understand a word!

"OK! I get it! " I chuckle. He was rubbed the back of his head, nervously, " I don't really remember much about this place " I lie. I remember everything about this place! I didn't want to forget this place whenever I was in England! England was horrible! I mean, the place and people were lovely but my life with that monster was horrible.

"Darling , do you want to come inside for some rest? You've had a long flight." My moms friend says, smiling. She must of been nicks mom.. That means I'll be living with nick...

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