chapter six ; ''You are so photogenic''

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I got changed into my PJ's and laid down in Nick's bed because everyone decided to dump their stuff onto mine.

''TRIXIEEE!! ''Louis screams as he runs into the room. He jumps onto the bed and cuddles into me, ''Nick is bullying me again'' He puts on a baby voice which has to be the cuttest thing ever.

Nick and everyone follows behind him a few seconds later, ''Nick, stop bullying Louis'' I say,holding onto Louis, ''He's my baby''

''Do you not have room for two babies? ''Nick says,doing the puppy dog eyes. Poppy dog eyes is literally my weakness specially on boys. Nick lays on the other side of me,cuddling me too.

''Of course. I love my babies'' I say,grinning as I hold onto Louis and Nick. Kylie walks in and rolls her eyes. Seriously does she ever NOT roll her eyes.

''And people call me the slut? Seriously ''She says,harshly as she looks me up and down. Everyone just ignores her inculding me. I dont understand why she comes to these things if she's just going to be a bitch.


''I have two cuddle buddies ''Louis says, acting all cute, ''But Alana is my favorite. ''Louis jumps off the bed and runs over to Alana. Nick starts to pull me closer.

''I guess you only have one baby now''He whispers into my ear. Is Nick really starting to flirt with me?

''Maybe I only had one baby all along '' I whisper into his ear,grinning.

''Can you two stop it? '' Jason says, jumping on the bed, ''We're trying to watch a movie without you two being all cute. ''

''Oh Jason, your acting like such a Kylie ''Sarah says, slapping him across the head. Kylie didn't take that very well because she gave Sarah such a dirty look.

''If you don't like it, get off the bed! ''Nick says,kicking Jason's foot. I started blushing. Was Nick really starting to flirt with me? He could be flirting with Alanna, Sarah or any of the other pretty girls but why me?

''Well aren't you rude! '' Jason pouts as he slides down onto the ground with the rest of the group. I sit up on the bed a little and so did Nick but he didn't let go of me once.

''What are we even watching? ''Jessica asks, looking at Nick's DVD case, ''LET'S WATCH GREASE! ''She picks out Grease out of the DVD case.

''Nick, why do you have Grease on DVD? ''Madison asks Nick,laughing. Awh, Madison was holding Izzy's waist while she sat on his lap. How cute were they though?

''It's a good film!'' Nick argues back.

''Nick, your gay is showing. ''Thomas says,laughing.

''Trixie, they keep bullying me. '' Nick says,doing the puppy dog eyes. He was cute but that only works with Louis.

''That's only works with Louis, darling '' I chuckle as I pinch his cheek, ''Yup, only works with Louis and his cheeks. ''

''Oh be quiet''Nick laughs.

Jessica puts the disc into the DVD player. Everyone was sat on the floor except for Nick & I because we were cuddling on Nick's bed and Kylie was sitting on her own. I felt kinda bad at times for Kylie but she was a bitch.

''Two minutes ''I whisper to Nick as I step off the bed. I walk over the the bag of junk food and took a Nutella jar out of it. I was starting to get hungy and I was obsessed with Nutella! I pick it up and walk back over to the bed. I lay back down and Nick cuddles into me. He hides his face into my neck which made me giggle because it was tickling. I felt him leave small kisses on my neck and the trail of kisses went up my neck, to my cheek until he reached my lips. He stopped and looks at me before leaning in. I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my waist. His lips were so perfect on mine.

''Cough. Cough. '' I hear Jessica say. I pull away from Nick and looks over at him and laughs, ''Do you mind? We're trying to watch a movie. ''

''Then watch the movie then. ''I say,smirking. I pull Nick closer again. I was coming across really eager but he was such a good kisser! I put my lips onto his again and our tongues started to explore each others mouths.

''Nick, do you mind turning the t- '' I hear Nick's mom from the door, ''Well then... '' I pull away from Nick and he stands up. Everyone was trying their best not to laugh even me, ''FRANKIE, COME HERE ''

''Maaa!''Nick says, clearly embarassed. ''GET OUT! '' He shouts as he runs over to the door and closes it, ''KNOCK NEXT TIME''

''NEXT TIME, TELL ME WHENEVER YOUR GOING TO BE MAKING OUT WITH THE GUESTS ON YOUR BED. '' A burst of laughter came from the whole room. I didn't want to embarass Nick so I covered my mouth.

''NICK, IM DYING''Mickey says, rolling on the ground trying not to laugh but failing miserably.

''Not fucking funny!''Nick says, getting angry. I get off the bed and walks over to him,''She is going to kill me whenever they all leave tomorrow'' he whispers.

''Calm down, she might not be angry'' I whisper back, ''Now come on, it was just a little bit funny'' I grin. A little smile appears on his face.

''A little but you guys never mention of this again!''He warns the group but they just ignore him.

''Let's go back to watching the movie then'' I smile at him as I sit down on the floor, Nick sits next to me.

Nick Mara POV

That was literally the most embarassing thing that ever happened to me. Infront of the whole crew and Trixie! It probably looked a hundred times worst than it actually was because we were on my bed. My mom is literally going to me whenever all them leave, she might even move Trixie out of my room but I doubt that since there is no where else to really stay,

I sat next to Trixie as we watch the movie. We didn't kiss or makeout this time. I put my out for her to hold and looks at me, ''Hold it'' I whisper into her ear. I felt her hand hold onto mine. She had such cute hands, they were so tiny and cute. Trixie was so small compared to me which I find cute if we ever did date.


+three hours later

Nick Mara POV

I wake up, looking aroud me. Everyone must of feel asleep half way through the film because the film was just ending. I look at my shoulder and Trixie was sleeping on it, ''Trixie''I whisper into her ear,softly.

''Whaattt''She says rather loudly but I cover her mouth to try to quiet her down.

''Be quiet, everyone is sleeping''I whisper as I remove my hand from her mouth, ''what do you want to do? ''

''I don't know'' She says, taking her phone out of her pocket. She unlocks the lockscreen and looks at her messages. I wasn't being noisy but I notice some from a boy called Troy, ''Idiot''she mutters.

''Who is Troy?''

''The ex that is now dating my so called ex-best friend '' She sighs. She clicks into his contact and blocks his number, ''I don't care about him anymore so. '' That made me a little happy for some reason. She turns on her camera and points it to Madison and Izzy and takes a photo, ''Wouldn't they be so cute together?''

'' I've been telling him to ask her out for ages but he's too nervous'' Which was true. Madison literally adored her to pieces but he was too scared to ask her out, ''Plus I know something even cutter'' I grab her phone and put on the front camera so it's Trixie and I. She looks up at me and blushes. She was so cute whenever she blushed, ''Selfie time''I say in the most weirdest voice ever. Trixie and I smile for the photo.

'We posed for a couple of more selfies which we we're basically just a bunch of photos of us pulling weird faces, '' You are so photogenic ''She laughs,quietly as he flips throught the photos.

''I know, I'm model material '' I grin. I pull her closer into me and wraps my arm around her waist. I don't know why I did that but I just felt right. Cringy? I know.

The door opened and my mom walked in, again, ''Nick, come out here for a second'' She whispers,''You too.'' She points to Trixie. I remove my arm from Trixie's waist and stands up and walks out the door as quietly as possibly while Trixie follows behind.

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