KTWB 1: Say Hello

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"Hey sweetheart." I heard Louie approach me as I worked on my Chemistry project.

I felt something soft tickle my neck. The tingles moved up to my jaw then to my temple. "Louie, I'm busy." I tried to shove him away but the jerk was like a living statue.

"Oh come on Heather. You've been working on that project for hours now. I'm so tired of waiting. All I want to do right now is make out with you." He gave me one of his pouty faces that I love very much. Damn, he really knows my weaknesses.

I turned away from the paperworks and sighed. "Okay fine. You can have me all day today but I'll be very busy tomorrow." He jumped in triumph and suddenly picked me up from the chair. "Woah! What are you doing?"

"Carpe diem." He smirked.

And we did things that are not suitable for children.


Calculus started and I was currently scribbling notes when I heard some faint music. It sounded a lot like Fifth Harmony's "Worth It". I turned my head to the direction of the music and was not really surprised to find out that it was coming from Craig Williams's earphones. Again. Seriously? Doesn't he notice that he's playing the music like it's on the lowest volume? Is this guy deaf or what?

I decided to tap him on the shoulder. He turned his head to me but his eyes were focused on the book he was reading. "Can you please lessen the volume of your earphones? The music is literally coming out and I can practically hear it probably even just a meter away."

He nodded and now the faint sound was out of my hearing range. Wow, he heard me? This guy's a real weirdo.

I scrutinized him for a bit. He was wearing a white and pink striped shirt and jeans. Those earphones were always hooked on his ears whenever I see him. And his beard looked like it hadn't been shaved for weeks now.

Just the thought of the latter part made me shudder. Craig is such an interesting kind of specie.

"Stop looking." He suddenly said out of nowhere.

I was like a deer caught in the headlights so I immediately looked away. Well that was embarrassing.

When the long ang torturous period had ended, I rushed out to meet Louie in the cafeteria.

I saw him chatting with his friends, Dean and Will. So I approached them and kissed Louie on the cheeks. "Hey guys. Whatcha doin'?" I imitated Isabela from Phineas and Ferb and fluttered my eyelashes.

"Ew. Don't do that eye thingy again Heather. You look like a malfunctioning computer." Stated Will disgustingly.

I glared at him and scoffed. "Shut up, Willala." He glared back with the equal intensity and stabbed his cake with a fork.

Will and I, well, we don't really like each other that much. He's too blatant and mean to me. And he said I was 'too girly'. Like, what am I supposed to act like? A boy? Puh-lease. That is so cliche. All those "I'm not like most girls" phrases I hear. Seriously? Who are they even referring to as 'most girls' anyway? Those diet freaks and other 'too girly' girls? Yeah right. Truth is, they don't have to act like they're so different from the others. Okay I'm talking to myself. I need to shut up.

"Okay you guys. Stop that. I don't want to see two of my loved ones fighting." Louie stated calmly. I huffed out a sigh and leaned on his shoulder.

"This guy. God, I don't like him sweetheart."

"Well I don't like you too Barbie." Will hissed.

I looked at him incredulously. "Barbie? Seriously?!" I turned to Louie again. "Am I that skinny?"

"No of course not." He pecked my cheeks and threw a chip at Will's face. "Stop it dude."

"Fine." Will groaned in response and ate his spaghetti in frustration.

I let out my tongue and teased him. Ha! Serves you right, you old McGrumpy.

When I was satisfied, I happily ate my burger like a hungry lion. Damn, I should have eaten my breakfast.

While I was munching away, I noticed two girls looking at Louie and giggling. My jealousy ignited and I grabbed the nearest thing I could take hold of and threw it at them. When one girl was hit on the cheek by the flying spoon, they looked at me with shock. I slit my finger across my neck to indicate my warning. Then without looking at their reaction, I turned back to the heavenly goodness of the burger.

Louie chuckled beside me. "You've got to stop being so possessive baby."

"I can't help it. All those little bitches eye fucking you every time." I seethed and imagined all the girls who were always running after Louie. "Damn it. Why do you have to be so hot and famous?"

He gave me a cocky smirk. "Oh well, it's in my dick, I guess?" He stated arrogantly and I playfully punched him in the shoulder. "Hey-haha-what? I'm just saying the truth." He raised his arms defensively and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ugh. Okay that's enough lovebirds. Hey Heather, you going to the party tonight at Bryan's?" Dean butted in.

"Hm, I don't know." I pondered for a bit when Louie pouted.

"Please sweetheart?"

"Okay. I'll go." I smiled and the two of them cheered.

"How about you Will?"

"No." He answered bluntly while sipping his soda.

"Oh come on man. You're such a total killjoy." Dean slapped him on the back which resulted to Will choking on his drink. Which then resulted to the two of them fighting.

While watching the scene unfold, I chuckled. "Your friends are crazy."

"I couldn't agree more." Louie replied.




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